Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ZAR - 4 little tips to avoid over eating

On the weight loss journey, I've found that being aware of food has been really important. Let me explain - a variety of food diaries, menu plans, organisation, cooking in advance, having healthy snacks on hand etc. Further to this I came across 4 ways you can stop yourself from overeating.

Put any food that you eat onto a plate. This stops you from mindlessly eating a bag of chips or eating takeaway straight from the container. Better still, always try to eat your meals sitting at a table. This makes an event of eating and trains us to eat mindfully not mindlessly as we all do from time to time.

Eating regularly. By this I don't just mean eating 3 square meals a day, but eating every 2-3 hours. Therefore, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with 3 snacks in between. Plan these and make a meal of them, measure them out at home to take to work with you to avoid eating the whole pack (guilty as charged!!). Examples - 1 cup fruit with 50g yoghurt, 10 almonds, crispbread with cottage cheese, apple and strawberries, protein shake, celery and hummus. It is known that eating regularly speeds up your metabolism which in turn burns energy.

Never eat until you feel full. Alternatively, eat until you are comfortable and could eat more. In 20 minutes you will feel full and content. If you constantly eat until you are full, you are overeating and will consequently put on weight.

Question why you're eating. If it's a meal or snack which is planned then fine, but if it's chocolate late at night or at 3 in the afternoon - are you hungry, or tired, or lonely? Eventually your brain will link that feeling to chocolate and expect it. Emotional eating is a huge part of many people gaining weight and if you can control this and ask yourself why you are eating this item and stop yourself doing so - you will hold the power in your hand!!

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