Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ROSIE - Avoiding those winter pounds

Ugh, I think those crazy people who actually claim to "enjoy" winter are few and far between. I’m not sure about you, but I always gain a few extra pounds in the next few months. According to the British Nutrition Foundation, most of us gain between 1 and 5 lbs in winter! The bad news is that it actually tends to stick around, leading to long term weight gain. Luckily, this year I have an excuse but if you’re like me and usually gain a little “winter warmth” the natural way, follow these tips below to avoid that padding.

Lightening up
Natural light triggers messages to a part of the brain called the hypothalamus which controls sleep, mood and appetite. As nights pull in, the decline in daylight hours can have a double whammy effect on your weight by increasing your appetite on the one hand and decreasing your inclination to exercise. Making the effort to get outdoors for at least 30 minutes in the middle of the day can really help to combat this, so keep your trainers handy and take a 30-minute brisk lunchtime stroll as often as possible.

Keep a food diary
According to one of the largest and longest running weight loss trials ever conducted, keeping a food diary will not only prevent you from gaining weight this winter, it can help you lose weight too. The study found that the more people record their food intake the more weight they lose, so keep a notebook handy and jot down what you eat, the amount and the timings of your meals. Then, after a few days, look back over the information you’ve recorded, I can guarantee you’ll notice some areas for improvement.

Tea off
Swapping your daily winter warming latte or hot chocolate for a cup of instant coffee or tea can save between 150 and 500 calories a day. Over the three-month winter period, that’s a saving of up to 42,000 calories - equivalent to 12 pounds of body fat!

Stay healthy
There’s nothing like an illness to wipe out your workout, bring activity levels to a standstill and turn your healthy eating habits on their head - all of which can lead to excess weight gain. Eat well, sleep well, keep warm and look after yourself to keep colds and flu at bay – see, I really am preaching this one big time!

'Carb’ your cravings
There is strong evidence to link winter weight gain with increased cravings for comforting carbs such as bangers and mash and sticky toffee pudding (some personal favourites!). It’s thought that this is because carbohydrates help to stimulate the production of serotonin - a brain chemical responsible for regulating mood and appetite that naturally decreases during the winter months. The problem is, many high-carb foods tend to be high in fat too so try to avoid the cakes, chips, chocolate, biscuits and butter-laden bread and potatoes and opt instead for smaller portions of healthier, lower calorie, lower GI alternatives such as wholegrain breads and cereals, beans, pulses, fruits and vegetables. Booooring. But so true.

Drink up
Extra layers of clothing, warm offices and centrally heated homes can lead to dehydration. Studies show that even small losses in fluids can lead to tiredness and lethargy which in turn can result in excess weight gain, as when tired we feel less inclined to exercise. Research also shows that thirst is often confused with hunger so being dehydrated could actually cause you to eat more too. To avoid that happening drink at least eight glasses of water a day or for a more appealing winter warming drink try herbal and weak teas or hot water with lemon.

Sip on soup
According to a study done in the States, eating a small bowl of warming winter soup before your main meal can save you up to 700 calories a week. That’s because those who ate soup before lunch consumed 100 fewer calories at that meal--and they didn't make up for those calories by eating more later.

Go to bed
Those of us who sleep five or less hours per night are 32% more likely to gain weight and 15% more likely to become obese than those who sleep for 7 or more hours per night. Now personally I NEVER need an excuse to have a kip, so this is music to my ears. Apparently it’s because lack of sleep may slow metabolism or decrease the calories burned by spontaneous activities such as fidgeting. So, on that note…. I’m off to bed. I need no encouragement!

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