Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

GEORGIE - Balance it out, even when you PIG OUT!!

Picture this last week - Friday, tired, and at the end of quite a long week, i stuffed my face a little bit... no - I lie, quite a lot. I was also pre menstrual and always allow myself what I term a 'pig day' on these occasions or I am grumpy as hell...

So, cafeteria offerings are a little slim so I indulged myself with my favourite meal in the world (after pizza) which is baked beans and chips. (fries and boston beans to you yanks although better as they are English and yummy).

A few hours later, I had pasta, pesto and some veggies and a glass of wine (+1 +1 +1). Then it was a few crackers, cheese and chutney before bed. Oh and a bar of chocolate. Told you it was a pig out.

Anyway, the next morning, Pre menstrual stuff gone, I went to the gym - where having consumed quite a lot of carbs I was sure that I would breeze through my training session with my trainer Adrian. Oh how wrong I was. Half way through, I was running on empty, like I hadn't eaten properly for days; lead legs, short of breath, light headed - that kind of thing. I asked Adrian why, when I had eaten half of the carbohydrate family the day before wasn't I bouncing around like an idiot?

"Did you eat anything apart from carbs? "

"Well yes, baked beans, vegetables, chutney, pesto..."

"yes but did you eat any protein apart from the small lump of cheddar?"

"Er... guess not"

That's it? I didn't balance it out and it bit me in the ass??? Seriously people, before I got healthy - I used to go days without eating anything worthwhile in terms of nutritional value. Cardboard literally!! I guess when you eat a good, well balanced diet, it bites you in the ass when you don't.

So that's my little lesson learned last week. If I feel the need to up my calories for any reason, I shall include a steak with my beans and chips and some chicken with my pasta!!!

Have a great week!

G x

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