Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

DETOX - The results!!

I have been on a 5 day juice 'cleanse'. A detox that consists of 2x colonic irrigations, a lymphatic drainage massage and body wrap, and 5 pressed juices a day (4x vegetable and 1 fruit).

That was a week I will never repeat. If I ever see another vegetable juice again it will be too soon. It turns out that the first 2 days you are given the 'nice' juices... the ones that are apple and cucumber based, but the second batch had so much parsley, carrot and celery in I couldn't actually stomach them AT ALL by Friday.

By Wedesday (day 3 of 5) I woke up feeling MAGICAL. The caffeine headache was completely gone - and my skin looked fantastic. Problem was that every day I was brilliant in the morning and from HELL by bedtime. I got hungrier and hungrier the more the day went on and went to bed every night sick with hunger. Believe me when I say people - this is nothing more then a crash diet by a healthier name.

By Thursday I was eating even less as I couldn't stomach the vegetable juices and was supplimenting some of the juice for plain cooked beetroot. It was miserable. On Friday, I was due a personal training session so I ate 3 juices for breakfast and by mid afternoon I declared it detox OVER in order to get my life back after nearly passing out in the gym twice.

So, a lesson learned is that detox is good for very few things, and bad for a lot. I wanted to feel cleansed - instead I got starved. I don't want to drop half a stone in 5 days as we all know that it will go STRAIGHT back on again.

Taking a break from Wheat, dairy and caffeine is a brilliant thing to do. I was less snotty, slept better, and I didn't miss the caffeine after a few days. I was better hydrated then I have been for a while and that side of the cleanse was brilliant.

I fitted into a very tight dress for a friends wedding this weekend. ( I couldn't eat but it looked awesome).

I learnt a valueable lesson NEVER to do this again.

Er - that is it.


This is an extreme form of dieting. It's dressed up as something healthy but it isn't good for you, nor (I believe) will it help my weight long term. This is starvation. And it can't be good for you. If you want to 'cleanse' as they call it, cut out the wheat, dairy, processed food and caffeine but make sure you still eat a REASONABLE amount of calories to ensure this isn't a crash diet. Much healthier - you will still drop weight but just not in this unhealthy way. This is the kind of bullshit that people like me spend money on only to discover that the £3 moisturiser is just as good as the £240 one. I now at least have an idea of HOW to cleanse but I went about it the wrong way. I was the most miserable person ever!!

Have a good week one and all!!

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