Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ROSIE - Winter Comfort

Particularly relevant with the amount of snow we have in the UK! Apologies to our Aussie counterparts...

With the nights drawing in and sunny Sundays a distant memory, it's so tempting to hunker down and hibernate. I think we can safely say winter is well and truly underway now, in fact I can't remember when I last saw the sun shining and I know that for those of you who work full time it can be a struggle to actually see daylight if you work long enough hours.

I was remembering my not-so-healthy-and-active days, when I was very much lazier (because I could be) and would happily have not even opened the curtains on a Sunday. I probably (perhaps not EVERY Sunday) had a bacon roll for breakfast at around 10 am, bangers and mash for Sunday lunch at around 1pm, maybe followed by a treaty pudding, and then in the evening maybe a pizza. The inbetween phases? Not a lot else went on. In fact reaching for the remote to turn the telly over or tossing an extra log on the fire required a big build-up. What was my reason for this? Well, I deserved it, didn't I? I worked really hard all week and on a Sunday I could indulge myself.

Result? By Monday morning I would feel revolting. Heavy, spotty, pasty, pale. Barely able to get out of bed. Really lacking in energy (which was surprising as the amount of calories consumed should have meant I was running on double speed).

I'm not remembering this to be a smug, energy filled person right now, or to make anyone who does the above feel bad. It's perfectly justified if that's what you want to do with your Sundays! Far be it from me to make you feel guilty.

Last Sunday was so cold. We had a freezing dog walk in the morning. Then Richard & I stood shivering with cold at a farm park whilst Jack screeched with delight at the farm animals (why do toddlers never get cold?!). After moaning for a couple of minutes I realised that if I actually kept myself warm then I would feel so much better. So, cue Mummy on the slides, on the swings, literally running (not an attractive sight at 7 months pregnant) around after Jack to try and keep warm.

And when I got home? No, I didn't shut the curtains and snuggle under the duvet with a sticky toffee pudding, we played some games then went outside again to play some football (don't ask, yes, the dog did put a tooth through the football resulting in mass tears).

Yes, I actually spent more hours outside on that freezing Sunday then I probably had all week. Result? I felt great. I felt so healthy that I wanted to eat healthily, slept so so well and woke up on Monday feeling like a new woman.

I know you all hate me, I sound so revoltingly outdoorsy and smug. I am lucky in that I live in a fantastic environment and I actually like being outdoors. But please trust me when I say that once you're out, it doesn't feel that bad. Make an effort on your days off to get outside. It's so good for your skin and really gets your body feeling so much better! I sound so like my mum it's actually terrifying me so I will sign off before it gets much worse. But please, trust me and try it!

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