Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, November 8, 2010

ROSIE - Very Proud Sis!!

I hope I'm not stealing her thunder here, I am sure Zar will blog about her activities at the weekend in the coming week. I just thought I would sneak in a quick one about "challenging yourself".

My sister Zar is a superstar. That's fairly common knowledge to all that know her. However, I skyped her this morning - her Sunday evening, to chat about her weekend. Zar had just completed a NINETY KILOMETRE BIKE RACE in under 4 hours. Wow. No mean feat for anybody. But...

I'm sure Zar won't mind me saying this but 10 years ago she was possibly the laziest person I knew in terms of exercise. She worked bloody hard but the rest of the time had no motivation to do ANYTHING except watch TV and snack on naughties. I would say the most active part of her day was walking to the local shop to stock up on choccies etc. Sorry Zar, as I said, I hope you don't mind me saying that - I'm sure many of the people who know you now will be really surprised to know that.

Speaking to her this morning, I had tears in my eyes. She was so enthusiastic, excited, proud of her efforts and loving herself. And that was what it was all about to me. She has turned into someone who loves exercise for what it is and what it does to her. She is a changed person - she's still superstar crazy Zar - but with so much more pizzazz in her life and so much more self worth, determination and pride in what she does.

I don't say it enough as I don't see her enough - but Moo, you make me very proud. Well done for not only what you've done with the bike ride but for what you've done to your body. You are no doubt physically younger and healthier than you were 10 years ago and only you have done that!

To everyone else reading this - if you find yourself somewhere you don't want to be, take inspiration from Zar. Even if you are in denial, feeling like you can't possibly change your life, well, you can. Zar did!!!

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