Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yes... whether you're male or female, we're all after it, those rippling abs. Hmmm - the difficulty is that they're incredibly difficult to get! Chances are people who have a 6 pack have an incredibly low body fat (about 15% or less!).

Despite this, as a personal trainer, I find that one of the most popular ideals for my clients is, if not a rippling six pack, then certainly a flat tummy! The trouble is that be it abs, thighs, shoulders or bottoms, you can't spot reduce any area of your body. Depressing, I know. Chances are those abs are there, they may just be hiding under a layer or two of fat... you need to find them!

There are three ways to "bring them to the surface" and show them to the world...

1) Cardio, cardio, cardio: the only way of burning fat, per se. As I blogged last week, high intensive cardio is best as it burns loads of calories... and builds muscle. Go for the burn, the more knackered and sweaty you are after a session the better! Burn the fat OFF those abs and you have a better chance of seeing them! High impact activity is best as it works you more efficiently for the amount of time you have.

2) Diet: eat well! It's as simple as that! Your poor abs won't have a chance of showing themselves off in their best light if they're hiding under layers of fat. It's the simplest sum in the world; calories in must equal calories out. If you want to lose weight then it MUST be a negative equation!

3) Strengthening: Only NOW is it time for those ab exercises! Be they core exercises on the ball, crunches, sit ups... go for them. In the coming weeks I'll do a blog on my top 5 ab exercises.

So, on paper, simple! In reality... the first two steps are the basic way of reducing body fat and, if that's what you want to do, getting the body you want - six pack or no!

1 comment:

  1. How refreshing to hear the truth spelt pure and simple. I look forward to getting my 6 pack tips, good timimng with the ceding of winter.
