Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, February 15, 2010

ROSIE - CONFUSION....continued!

Follow on from the most confusing article in the world - ever!
I am so with G's article regarding the piece in The Sun. What a load of.... yes, rubbish. I just want to put my ha'pennys worth in too. I'm not disagreeing with G - we're sisters, we never fight, right?! Different things work for different people and low carb is great for G, I agree with that.

I'm thinking more along a general population scale and the obesity "pandemic"... the problem is WE EAT TOO MUCH! Yes, it's true! There's no point denying it. If you're careful with your calories and exercise regularly, you will be the "ideal weight" for your body. It may not be what you as a person perceive your ideal weight to be, but it will be correct for your body. That, readers is another article! If you eat too much and don't exercise, you will be overweight. I do agree with the journalist's view that you have to do a good hour session in the gym to lose weight. It's sad and depressing but true. Weight maintenance = half an hour per day. To lose weight (a lot of weight, I may add) takes hard work.

In terms of carbs - they are essential for fuel. I know that if I don't eat enough carbs I lose weight and go scrawny. Don't hate me - everyone has their own body battles! If I eat too much ice-cream, pizza and rubbish, yes, I put on weight. It's the type of carbs, just like the type of everything you put in your body. It's got to be the right food. And remember, cutting out ANY food group will result in your (initially) losing weight, as in the greater scheme of things you're cutting calories.

More on food coming up - my next piece is the TRUTH on what proteins, fats and carbs do for your body.

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