Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

ROSIE - Proteins, fats & carbs - THE REAL TRUTH!

Here it is, the real rundown - granted, in a simplified version - on what these do for your body. There's so many articles on how low fat is best, low carb is the only way, high protein - wow, how do you know what's really right? The answer - they are ALL VITAL. They are what's known as macro nutrients, and your body needs each and every one of them to function. I think this is what gets lost when people focus on their diet - our body needs food! It's like a car - you wouldn't fill your car up with petrol but not bother with oil, would you? Well, same thing.

Carbs -

The main source of fuel for our body - both mentally and physically. Carbs are transformed into sugar, then taken into the body's cells, to be used by muscles. What is not used by muscles gets stored in the liver for when muscle stores of glycogen are depleted. There are three types of carbs - simple, complex and dietary fibre. It's the simple carbs (sugar, cakes, white bread etc) you want to avoid as they rush the body with sugar, creating that sugar high then a slump. Remember, what you eat above and beyond what your body needs in terms of energy GETS STORED AS FAT! As simple carbs are in the majority of junk food we eat (be it sugar or a burger), this is what results in weight gain. But no carbs = no fuel. If you cut carbs too much, your body will end up using your muscles as a source of fuel and we've all worked too hard for that to happen - I don't want my muscles being eaten away at!

Protein -

Protein can also be used for energy, but only when carb levels are low. Protein is mainly used to promote growth and development and regulate bodily functions. it makes up every part of the structure of every cell, including skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones & tendons. That's why it's so important to eat protein after a strenuous resistance workout... your muscles needs protein to regenerate and repair. You can ensure adequate protein intake by eating 2-3 portions of protein per day. Remember, though, the protein that you eat which does not get used by the body GETS STORED AS FAT!

Fats -

The most commonly slated macro-nutrient of all! Have you heard of the term - Essential Fatty Acid? Well, that's what fat is - essential! As with carbs, the type of fat you eat is what the key is. Fats are vital for virtually every function your body, as well as providing energy, promoting growth and development and regulating bodily functions. They're also so important as eating fat helps you digest fat. Sounds wierd but it's true. You can always tell someone on a low fat diet - their skin is dry, their hair dull, broken nails. Good fats - nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil are the fats you should be focusing on and including in your diet. Dairy products in moderation are always vital. It's important to remember that fats have 9kcal per 1 gram whereas carbs & proteins have 4kcals per gram... so of course, they are more calorie dense. Something to watch out for - not cut out if you're watching your weight! What fat does not get used by the body GETS STORED AS FAT! Are you getting the picture?

The problem is we eat too much of the wrong thing. DITCH THE PROCESSED FOODS - they are my pet hate and go back to basics. A good plate of pasta with a homemade tomato sauce bursting with fresh veg, a sprinkling of Parmesan on top and a salad on the side - you've got yourself a winner. Eat fresh and eat well - that's my motto!

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