Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, February 8, 2010


So... I went to the gym the other day. It's not something I do often as I don't actually have a gym membership... at the moment I find regularly teaching classes, running outside, walking the dog and the day-to-day running around one does after a baby keeps me fit. I was pretty excited as I LOVE working out in the gym (yes, sad, I know) and it's a rare moment of freedom when Jack (my baby) is in the creche and I have an hour to myself!

Two minutes into my workout, however, and I knew it was going to be one of those days. I was running on the treadmill and my body just wasn't working! I felt knackered, uncoordinated and generally not in the mood and I was gutted! Having read G's blog last week about her 5 km and "not going the distance", I just knew that would be me today.

So, I had a choice. Did I waste an hour with a crappy workout I would not enjoy, or.... would I get real? I hopped off the treadmill and simply ran out of the door. No, I wasn't abandoning my son and going to throw myself into the River Thames in a fit of depression due to the fact I couldn't be bothered to workout... I set my Ipod to "running songs" (yes, I do have a play list like that) and went out into the great outdoors.

We're so "indoor" orientated these days. What with exercise classes, gyms, Wii's, exercise DVD's and the like... when do we EVER get outdoors to exercise? Chances are many of us have a desk job, drive to work and barely see the light of day in the winter.

I can't tell you how good I felt. I ran 7 miles - the longest I'd run since Jack was born. Okay,, so it wasn't fast, in fact I had only booked an hour in the creche and had to pay a little extra to appease the gym....! But wow, those endorphins were going. Yes, it had been cold, drizzling, my nose was running but I looked in the mirror afterwards - there was a shine in my eyes, my cheeks were pink and I looked healthier than I had done in weeks!

Don't underestimate what the great outdoors can do for your workout. The fresh air makes you feel amazing and... the best bit. Whilst it's harder to work out outdoors it's much better for you and you have many more distractions to get you through it.

So, my plea this week... get out there! Rain or shine, dark or light... give it a go. Be it a powerwalk, run or bicycle. And enjoy it.... I certainly did!

On Tuesday's blog - a Superbowl confession of shameful proportions from GB. Eek.

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