Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

ROSIE - JUST DO IT!! (But follow this guide first)

So many people are daunted by exercise, and not surprisingly; it's a whole new world. Gyms are full of people lifting heavy weights, doing wierd and wonderful exercises classes, all seemingly confident and lithe in their lycra. Working in a gym makes, it makes me so sad to see new members put off by not knowing what to do when the rest of world seem to!

Below are a few pointers to help you if you're feeling daunted by starting out.

* Check your health
If you have any underlying medical conditions, it's always best to check with your doctor before you start. It may sound drastic but if you're unsure it's best to seek advice.

* Start slowly!
I'm assuming in this article that you're a REAL beginner; a couch potato, pizza eating, beer swilling slob may not come into it but never been in a gym and your activity level is low. So, start walking! It's so simple and FREE! You need nothing, just some comfy shoes; plus a dog helps if you feel a bit aimless. When I was pregnant with Jack I walked our dog Jessie every day, twice a day until the day I had him and I swear it helped me maintain my fitness.

* Don't rush it
This leads on from my previous point. So many beginners make the mistake of trying to "go for a run". Within minutes they feel knackered, breathless, sweaty and possibly a stitch. You have to train your body to run... If you really are desperate to, try walking for a minute and running for a minute. It may not seem like much, but keep this going for 20 minutes and you've run for 10 minutes! Not bad for a first attempt. When this starts to feel easier, walk for 1 minute and run for 2. Keep increasing and before you know it you'll be running for 10 minutes with no walking. I would say that in my experience this is the most fundamental point for increasing fitness AT ANY LEVEL: take it a stage at a time.

* Seek help
If you are a member of your gym you should automatically get an induction when you join. Don't let the gym staff blitz you with jargon and scare you off totally. There should be several members of the fitness team; if you find yourself staring at some blond bodybuilder who is supposed to take you through your induction, don't be embarrassed to ask for someone who may be more in tune with your needs. Ask questions, don't be dazzled with "gym talk". This induction is for YOU, not for the gym staff to show off.

* Personal training
Most people thnk personal trainers are only for the rich and famous. Not true! Many personal trainers give free sessions as an incentive to win clients. Don't be embarrassed to use them! For an hour you should get a chat with a trainer and their expertise to help you achieve your goals. You may find that even a session once a month will keep you on the straight and narrow. So, sessions are expensive but SO worth it, and no, I'm not trying to sell my trade! Many trainers may let you train with a friend which will help with the cost.

To sum up, I've said it before ad I'll say it agin... don't rush it. You have all the time in the world and you don't want to put yourself off by doing too much too soon.

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