Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Georgie - NOT going the whole 9 yards...

Inspired into action by Rosie’s Interval training blog yesterday, I got in the gym last night. My aim, to run a 5k. Something I haven’t done in a while (I hate running - I am not exactly the right build for it) but I figure, new blog = new start in the gym so in I went. I run slow - a 5k takes me about 31 minutes so I decided to get in under 30 - maybe aim for 29. What happened next seems to happen so often to me... at 4.6k - when I was heading toward a really good time - under 29 mins - I stopped. Well I knew I could do it, I was going to finish in time, so laziness stepped me right off the treadmill. This, my friends is the reason that I will never be a proper gym bunny. I will never have a body fat of below 22 and I will never be a full bonafide fitness freak. Mediocre works for me it seems. I am disappointed with myself for stopping, there is no excuse for not going the whole distance, but giving up is a common occurence in the gym. There is ALWAYS an excuse. Actually going to the gym in the first place is a battle... I can always find a reason not to exercise, although when I get there and get started I quite often enjoy it. Affectively, having a shirker attitude means that I have absolutely no one to blame but myself. When I am half hearted about it like I am at the moment, (Winter always brings gym apathy to my schedule) I am NOT entitled to whinge or whine about my weight or my body. So I am learning to shut up. There can be no dressing room crying on shopping trips, or complaints ‘my bum looks big in this’. Not having a ‘can-do’ attitude whether on a small or a grand scale means certain failure. If I don’t give 100 percent then I certainly can’t expect a 100 percent return. I am learning this after years of excuses.

I feel it’s excuses that stop a lot of people from getting to their goals. Whether it’s getting healthier, losing weight or just making a positive change that will improve their lifestyle, its way too easy to blame everyone but ourselves. If you eat badly and fail to do any exercise at all (even just walking to work) then your body will reflect that. If you work out a little and are a little healthy then your body will look like that. If you PROPERLY go for it, then hey, you will look at the best you can be! The old 'slow metabolism', 'big bones', lines don’t wash. And we are only cheating ourselves if we fail to accept this. So, I accept that I am weak - this is my own doing, and I will always just strive to do better. And I feel ok with that. I feel it's better I know my shortcomings then try and pretend I don’t have any.

Needless to say, I am pretty happy with the results (most of the time) and hey - 4.6 k is better then NONE run at all isn’t it!

And I am extra lucky to have two mega motivated sisters to aspire to catch up with! KEEP plugging away people!

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