Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The subject of this blog can get some people VERY excited, thinking that by eating the foods mentioned they will magically lose all they weight they would like to! We all know better. There is no magic. It's hard work, willpower and dedication. However, some foods will help to stop the build up of fat and speed up your metabolism.....only if you're eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly.
Lean meat - protein requires the body to work harder to digest it and leaves us feeling fuller for longer.
Low fat yoghurt, milk and cheese - US studies have shown that those who eat 1300mg calcium per day lose more weight than those who don't. It's thought that calcium breaks down fat cells and suppresses the growth of new ones.
Berries and citrus fruit - these are rich in vitamin C which contains flavones which increases metabolism, controls cholesterol levels and helps dilute fats.
Salmon, avocado, nuts, ground flaxseed - oily fish and plant based fats contain essential fatty acids that help burn fat. You need to make sure that you are adding these in moderation to a low-fat diet for them to do their job.
Cinnamon - it's been found that 1/4 tsp of cinnamon per day boosts your sugar metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels and helps store less fat.
Oats, wholegrains and sweet potatoes - high in fibre and low GI, they leave you feeling fuller for longer and help regulate blood sugar levels which reduces the urge to snack.
Chilli - contains the chemical capsaicin which triggers a thermodynamic burn which speeds up the heart rate and boosts metabolism. Studies have shown that those who eat spicy foods consume less kilojoules and carbohydrates than those who don't.
Turmeric - used in mustards and Indian curries, it's been found to slow down the spread of fat tissue and lowers blood glucose, triglyceride, fatty acid and cholesterol.
Ginger and garlic - these are both vasodilators, expanding blood vessels and boosting body heat which means your metabolism speeds up a little.
All the foods in this list are items that should be consumed regularly anyway. Regardless of whether you're aware of their abilities to help fight fat, if you cook from raw for yourself everyday then these will be foods that have a place in your daily diet already.

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