Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Friday, August 6, 2010

ROSIE - Something different

Well, you'll be thrilled to know that this is only a short one, I know my blogs do drag on a bit...

Just to share a little experience with you from my weekend. Well for those of you who have young children, you do know that, god bless 'em, life can be a LITTLE monotonous. We do TEND to do the same things week in, week out, particularly when Richard is back at school and I am working. I don't mind admitting that since starting work again, my exercise routine is stuck in a rut; I do the same things week in week out and it's BORING.

So, this weekend is a revelation as I did things I haven't done for YEARS. Talk about ringing the changes with my exercise...

So, I went on a hen do on Saturday. Guess what we did? Cycled the Thames path. Not tour de France stylee, more ladies cycling to church speed, but, after 3 hours, I was pretty flipping knackered. Sunday morning? Stiff as a board. We probably only did 15 miles, but for that duration, it was tiring stuff! And we well deserved the picnic afterwards.

And on Sunday? Richard and I took Jack and canoed down the River Thames from where we live. Only for an hour, but I can tell you that on Monday morning my arms were feeling like I'd rowed the Atlantic.

So, for someone like me who does keep fit and works out 4-5 times a week, it was a revelation to do something that's not unusual but done in a different way to really really make me ache!

Try it! If you cycle in the gym, perhaps try cycling outside, if you can, get in a canoe and I can guarantee that on Monday you will really feel your work!

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