Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ROSIE - Top 10 Dieting Blunders

This is a bit of a simple blog to write, only in that a lot of it really is common sense. However, I feel that sometimes people are so focussed on a “diet” (not something we advocate on Bingham Girls) that they can actually lose sight of the easiest way to get to a goal of losing weight.

Please don’t ever diet. The below points are a really good checklist, if you’re doing more than 5 out of the 10 then you are definitely are going to FAIL. Healthy eating, healthy living is the best way to lose & maintain weight loss.

Missing meals – a major problem for many people who commonly believe that by missing a meal they are actually reducing their calorific intake. This is often counterproductive; as you may become so hungry that at your next meal you overindulge.

Skipping carbohydrates at meal times – as you think that bread and potatoes are fattening is a big mistake. Starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes are filling foods and should not be avoided – the portion size is what you have to watch.

The belief that you have to eat less when you want to lose weight – a full plate is not possible when you’re on a diet – right? Wrong! Many of us believe that we should be cutting back on food to lose weight whereas we really should be eating more. The most important foods that we should be filling up on are vegetables – so fill your plate with them!

Not increasing your exercise levels – upping your exercise levels will maximise your loss of fat and minimise your loss of lean muscle. It will also help you maintain your weight long-term and prevent weight re-gain. Try to do around 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity at least four times a week.

‘All or nothing’ – this approach is the downfall of many – don’t make the mistake of thinking you should never have a treat. A pizza is okay, there is nothing wrong with having a pizza – just make sure that you don’t follow it with a large helping of chocolate fudge cake and ice cream!

Make realistic changes to your diet that you can stick to - dieting severely is not advisable in the long term; it may seem boring, but making a few small changes that you can stick to is far more likely to result in a weight loss that can be maintained over the long term.

Buying foods such as crisps and chocolate for the kids could be holding you back - having these types of foods in the house can be a temptation; you are more likely to reach for a chocolate biscuit if it is to hand, whereas if you had to make the effort to go to the shops – you probably wouldn’t bother!

Being influenced by others - are there saboteurs in your house? Are you being held back by your friends or family? It may be uncomfortable to address these issues as family members or friends may not want you to change – think about talking through your plans with them.

Is your routine holding you back? - do you pass Starbucks every day and can’t resist their carrot or chocolate fudge cake? If you were to take another route to work would that help you curb your habit of nipping in to buy something for elevenses?

Planning – this is often where successfully slim people do well; they plan their meals and write their shopping list accordingly each week.

As I said, common sense for the most part, but easily done!

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