Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

ROSIE - Depression - or just the blues?

Sorry, this is not a light and hearty blog today, it's a subject that the Bingham Girls are holding rather close to their hearts at the moment... and I thought it was well worthy of a blog.

I read an interesting article in the Sunday Telegraph today about depression by Hermione Norris, aka the skinny blond lady in Spooks. If I didn't know better, I would ask "why does she have depression?" She's a highly succesful actress, gorgeous looking with it, is a wife and a mother - what has she got to complain about?

But I suffered from a bout of depression about 8 years ago now and struggled so much to come to terms with it actally being depression that it did affect me for quite some time.

I remember asking myself at the time - what's this all about? I have had the most idyllic upbringing; wanting for nothing in terms of emotions and stability, have a loving family, have a job, have friends, a social life - what's going on? Monosyllabic, not wanting to get up in the morning, not wanting to exercise, not wanting to go out or talk to people... it was only G who MADE me go and see a doctor that made me realise there's nothing that "makes you" depressed. As Hermione Norris says in the article; “It’s not something that you are really in control of because it’s physical, and it’s genetic, and it’s about your life experiences."

For me, it was certainly about the first two factors but none about the last. I had had absolutley no life experience to affect me; but of course for some people it is all about a life experience. There is no rhyme or reason as to why someone has depression, all I know is it was something I certainly couldn't control even if I wanted to. Even the most upbeat, cheerful, life-and-soul-of-the-party type person can have serious depression and to people on the outside they appear the absolute opposite of depressed.

I would say if anyone reading this is having these feelings; lack of self worth, not wanting to do live their lives the way they usually do (i.e. dreading getting up in the morning, not wanting to socialise, exercise or spend time with family & friends), lack of apetite, turning to food for comfort, anxiety and many, many other symptoms , the only thing I would say is TALK TO SOMEONE. G was my saviour because there was no way I would have talked to anyone had she not made me; I was lucky though and she spotted the signs that were different.

If you do have the above symptons, it doesn't necessarily mean you are depressed; but certainly talking about things that you may not feel great about can make you feel so much better. Don't bottle things up, don't be afraid of the stigma. It's something that can be so easily helped. I was in a dark place for no reason at all - and luckily I came out the other side.

Sorry if this is a bit of a "confused" blog, I hope to some of you it makes sense and, as I said, if there's anything on your mind, please please talk to a loved on. If you're interested in reading the article in the Sunday Telegraph, here it is.

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