Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Ha. So, holiday over. It was great! Lots of sleep, lots of relaxation, great quality family time and generally a lot of fun. Oh yes, and a lot of food. I would say on a scale of one to ten of naughty-over-eating-just-because-I-am-out-of-my-normal-routine, I scored a 6. 10 being generally disgusting and wallowing in chips and 1 being generally disgustingingly healthy and barely touching a lettuce leaf.

So, not too bad. I did get 3 runs in (not bad out of 5 days away) and lots of lovely hilly Cornish walks, but did eat some fish and chips, 3 courses two nights in a row and ate probably Jack's body weight in ice cream.

Just to show it can be done. I do definitley have a bit of work to do to shift a pound now that I'm back but I can still do my jeans up. Hooray.

Have I grown up do you think? Do you have to be in your thirties to finally realise that there is moderation in self-restraint and actually just some balance in life is all you need? Perhaps so! Anyway, I'm proud of myself AND I had a lovely holiday.

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