Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

GEORGIE - new ways to stop my pig gene rearing it's head....

This article caught my attention this week:

PLaying tricks on the brain to make you feel less hungry eh? This is where I have been going wrong all along. If I tell myself I am not hungry then almost immediately all I can think about is eating - my tummy starts to rumble and I become like a salivating dog. Until I eat, there will be no peace. Very annoying. Wouldn't I just love to train my brain.

However, many of the ideas put forward here resonate with me - the ideas that certain tactics we can adopt can stop us from over eating or make us feel fuller earlier. When I am very hungry I admit that sometimes a cigarette works. But there aren't good for you so I shan't recommend that. What I can recommend is a few glasses of water before a meal (although some nutritionists don't advise that as it can slow digestion apparently) but I have never tried fruit - I shall try it tomorrow and report back. A plum or an apple 20 minutes before lunch - well that makes sense - to take the edge of your hunger. Quite frankly if I could find ANYTHING that would slow my eating down I am sure I could conquer my need to HOOVER the food off my plate and I wouldn't ever find I struggled with my weight.

What the article does address is that these habits can form as young as three years old!! Parents insistence their children finish everything on the plate can lead to a child over eating and not stopping when full. Well I was made to eat everything on my plate and although I turned out a complete pig (I was a bloody fussy eater when I was younger) the only thing I would say is that if my mother hadn't so fiercely insisted I eat everything I am pretty sure I would have had her around my little finger in every aspect of our life and that would have made her life even more hell then I did when I was small (as you can imagine, those who know me, yes I was hyperactive, loud, and a royal pain up the ass).

Finally - what I do like about this article is that all the little snacks recommended before a meal are healthy. I am such a fan of natural sugar and fibre foods - give me a biscuit and sugar lasts just a few minutes before I go into a low sugar crash and feel worse then I did before!!

So, I am off to try this one - a bit of fruit before a meal. Chewing my food. Putting my fork down between mouthfuls.

Oh and 5 days to go before my new job.

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