Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

ZAR - Sweet dreams

I've always slept well and considered myself extremely lucky to have done so.

This last week, I've been really hit hard by the flu. I haven't slept, it seems, at all. I see every 5 minutes go by on the clock. My brain never stops. The story I've just read. Emails I've read. Plots of TV shows I've watched. News stories. Sometimes in delirium, I don't know what's real or not.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was drowning. I woke up coughing and was literally drowning in sweat from my fever. I then try to go back to sleep, shivering and aching.

Why am I telling you all this? Because my bed used to be my favourite place. At the moment, I'm dreading going to bed. What used to be my solace has become my prison cell - it's making me miserable. I'm so hoping that as I recover from the flu, I'll get better at sleeping again.

For those of you who don't sleep well, I'm so sorry but I hope I'm not with you much longer.

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