Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Georgie - after the guilt, the reality

I have to wear a bikini a week today. I HAVE TO WEAR A BIKINI A WEEK TODAY. I HAVE TO WEAR A BIKINI A WEEK TODAY!!!


Resisting the temptation to spend the rest of the week on cayenne pepper, water and lemon juice (look it up if you don't understand - and NO - it's NOT good for you) what can I do in a week to help myself feel a little better about wearing such a tiny pieces of material next week?

Well my friends, its water, vegetables, a little less fruit (less sugar) lots of protein and lots of fake tan. Nothing says BRIT ABROAD like the white whale look. What's worse, is my friend Vix who I am going on hols with is REALLY RATHER FIT. Gulp.

At least I feel better then I did at the weekend but maybe if I can put the holiday off for another 3 weeks I will be nearer somewhere resembling bikini ready. Sad that time waits for no man really.

Only one thing for it.... PANIC!!!!

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