Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ROSIE - Pump it up!!

This is something “my ladies” (I call them that because I work in a ladies only gym) get SO bored of me saying. However, I say it over and over because it’s so important….!

You can apply this to ANY exercise you like. All I’m saying is that when you “take activity” and by this I mean anything you to day to day…. Do it with VIGOUR!!!

- If you run, try and run faster and swing your arms more.
- If you walk, try and walk faster and swing your arms more.
- If you do an aerobics class, bounce a bit more and get those arms moving.
- If you do a step class, put your step up a level.
- If you do weights, try adding another kilo.
- If you take the lift, use the stairs instead (at least part of the way).
- If you walk up stairs, try running.
- If you RUN up stairs, try taking them two at a time.
- If you cycle, try making the gears harder to work your legs more.

I could go on forever but hope you get the idea!

The reason for this is us humans are designed for comfort. This is why we have created such a comfortable life for ourselves! However, this has created so many health problems for us as low activity levels can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity and much much more.

When we exercise or even are involved in activity we tend to do it in a way that is comfortable. That’s why people get personal trainers – to push them. You can do it yourself though… as I said, just try adding 1km to the treadmill. Add a kilo to that chest press. When you exercise it should feel UNCOMFORTABLE – that is the best way of you knowing you are pushing yourself.

You may not thank me when you’re working out but you will in the long run!

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