Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Zar - 3 ways with fish

We all know that fish is good for are 3 ways to have it. Rosie's just got a BBQ which she is loving! Healthy, easy and no cleaning of pans!! You can cook the fish in a pan, or under the grill if you don't have a BBQ.

In a parcel.....

Preheat the BBQ or oven. Cut off a square of foil and put your piece of fish in the centre. Drizzle with olive oil, throw on some chopped, fresh herbs (if you have them to hand) season and then lift the edges up. Splash on a little white wine. Either fold into a parcel like present or scrunch along the top to close. Put on BBQ or into hot oven for 10-15 mins. Cooking time will depend on size and thickness of fish. Open parcel and turn out onto plate.
You can smarten this up and serve for a dinner party. Put a smaller square of baking paper onto the foil before you put the fish onto it. You can also use whole smaller fish (snapper, trout) and use ginger, chilli, soy etc. These of course will take longer to cook: ask your fishmonger. Put the parcels onto each guests plate and you can let them open their own. Have a bowl on the table to get rid of foil, paper and bones.

Tahini sauce

Combine 2 tbsps tahini, juice of half a lemon, 2 tbsps low fat natural yoghurt, salt and pepper.
You might want to serve this with a firm fish like swordfish which will hold its form with the sauce.
Brush the fish with olive oil and season. Cook on a hot bbq or in a pan for 3-4 mins each side depending on thickness of fish.


Again, this probably works better with a firm fish like swordfish, tuna or salmon.
Core and quarter 3 really ripe tomatoes. Remove seeds and chop flesh finely. Finely chop a quarter to half a red onion (depending on size and your taste). Mix tomato and onion in a bowl. If you like chilli, add a finely chopped chilli. Add the juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp olive oil and season. Add some chopped mixed herbs if you have them.
This is even better if you make it the day before or a few hours even, to allow the flavours to develop.
Cook fish as above.

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