Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, June 14, 2010

ZAR - Not just Georgie over-indulging!!

It's a public holiday over here (huzzah!) with therefore more time to sit around! I had a gorgeous day on Sat - Spit to Manly walk on a spectacular winter's day here in Sydney and then to the movies where I limited myself to a diet coke. I had gone round and round the supermarket searching for something naughty but low fat/carb!! HAHA! No luck!

Sunday dawned bright and I did well starting with my usual breakfast of scrambled eggs, mushrooms and spinach. After that, coffee and 2 mandarins. It all went down hill from there.

Quarter camembert
Quarter camembert

Half camembert (kill it and then forget about it)

Cup of tea
Muesli Bar

Packet of S&V chips
Large freddo frog

Mountainbread in oven with tomato and cheese

Roast chicken leg


Magnum Gold

These all sound like very random items. This is mainly because I keep nothing in the house that can lead to my downfall. What happens is I end up making things with the ingredients I have, hence the custard (nothing like real custard!). I took 2 trips to the local shops for the chips, chocolate and icecream.

I fall off the wagon from time to time too G. Mainly when I've got nothing better to do. I know the signs and I fight them as best I can. I just have to go on from today and make this a great week and follow on from there.

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