Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

ROSIE - the voice of sense and sensibility...

So - the story behind this blog is that G told me Zar and her had written a blog each about falling off the wagon this weekend. I hadn't actually read their pieces so thought I would write something in context to follow on. Having just literally been crying with laughter reading them the below sounds very smug and I'm reading it cringing. But I won't change it - please believe me it's not meant to be the lecture it sounds like.....!

Here goes - sadly I'm not as entertaining as my two sisters but I WILL educate you...!

I think a lot of people have a funny perception about food and what it does to your body. I think A LOT of females really treat food as the enemy. A lot of people have a list of “bad” and “good” foods, the bad ones are to be avoided at all costs and the good ones are okay to be eaten.

Fitting foods into categories can lead to dangerous results. The Bingham Girls seem to have fallen off the wagon in spectacular style recently, and I sadly cannot be the smug one, I probably ate my body weight in calories this weekend, for no reason. However, my rationale was, well I’ve started now so may as well continue – no food was too BAD, and frankly the GOOD foods could go in too.

Thankfully, these kind of “binges” are rare for me, but I do know people who binge like this on a regular basis. Binging does not have to be associated with bulimia or eating disorders, it’s as common as muck. I don’t know any one who hasn’t overeaten to the extent of not caring at least ONCE in their life.

Let’s talk about how foods are utilised by our bodies. They ALL go the same way, and that is for fuel. The way they are broken down is slightly different and proteins, for example, take longer to be broken down into energy than pure sugar. Sugar is more easily USED as energy, however, it is less useful for the body as that is all it does, provide energy, whereas proteins are essential for loads of things such as brain function, muscle regeneration etc.

But taking it down to the bare bones of it – ANY FOOD THAT YOU CONSUME IN EXCESS WILL BE STORED AS FAT. This can apply to celery or cakes. Of course, you’d have to eat a heck of a lot of celery in a day to consume enough calories for it to be stored as fat. But too much of anything is not a good thing. A calorie is still a calorie – whether it’s carbs, protein or fat.

The answer; watch what you eat, how much of it and in what context – like we always shout about here at Bingham Girls – a healthy diet & lifestyle leads you to a long and healthy life… and that’s DESPITE our excesses this weekend!

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