Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Friday, July 23, 2010

ROSIE - A woman's body

I think I can safely say that the majority of women AREN'T looking for that waif like model look. They want a toned, lean, healthy looking body, with a few curves, not like someone who would drop over if you so much as breathed on them. The problem is that most of us (I say US here, ladies, I'm not picking on anyone) have a little eensy weensy layer of fat on us. Why? Well, because we're women. We are designed to store fat more than men because we stay in caves, cook the men their food, have babies and generally sit around all day. Ha! You know what I mean; in caveman times we would generally stay at home and keep the nest; needing more fat to keep us warm and "fed". Whereas men would create and build muscle just like that whilst out hunting those deer for us. Ever wondered how your husband can "decide" he's getting too chunky and needs to lose a few pounds? A couple of runs, "no pudding for me tonight", lay off the beers and he's done it, just like that? Whereas us women battle and battle for weeks on end and lose half a pound. AAAAAAGGGH.

Women NEED more fat. They store more fat, they put on fat more easily and losing fat is more difficult for them. I think when you're trying to shape your body (I say this as I don't necessarily mean lose weight), it's oh so important but oh so difficult to step back and look at the bigger picture. Think of your ancestors! It is natural for women to carry more fat than men.

I've lost count of the amount of times we say this on Bingham girls. It's our mantra - if you're bored of it already, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading as it will be said OVER & OVER. Healthy diet. Healthy lifestyle. Exercise and activity. Lots. of. water. Good amount of sleep. Cut down on your stress.

Countering all the above contribute to carrying more fat & weight than you should. Take time for yourself, think about what you're doing to your body. More often than not it's SO obvious that we're doing something wrong (i.e. drinking a bottle of wine a night) but we overlook it because it's such a part of our life.

If you eat right, live right and exercise right your body will thank you for it and you will see changes; just be patient.

I'll be doing a little piece on toning next time and coming up in the next week... something to make you feel good about your body's "stable weight".

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