Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

GEORGIE - Rosie's motivated - I need to get there...

Following Rosie's rousing rally call for motivation yesterday I had a little think and, in need of motivation as I am - I decided to compose a list of things that will motivate me over the coming month to get back into the gym harder then ever...

Here we go - this will be stuck in a prominent place - probably the fridge or larder door...

Reasons to get motivated

1) Too tight trousers. Figure hugging yes, blob bulging NOOOO

2) I must not look fat on telly again. At sky sports someone emailed in congratulating me on my pregnancy - that will NOT happen again. I start a new job next month god help me.

3) Nobody likes a drunk - and alcohol is the easiest way for me to pile on the pounds

4) A dress by Victoria Beckham that I've seen, and I want, but I cannot afford. However when I go to try it on to torture myself I must actually be able to fit into it.

5) I feel like crap and I want to feel good again.

6) The second bum that is currently taking residence on top of the first one. Call them muffin tops but I look like I am growing spare buttocks.

7) Its only a few months to go before the summer goes and then we all know how hard it is to get out there and exercise once the cold and dark mornings come so I need to get into the groove sooner rather then later.

8) Both my sisters are inspired and motivated and I am not. Being a competitive person I need to take on that challenge.

9) I was called 'curvy' the other day. Hate that.

10) E! Top 40 beach bodies. Something to aspire to. Yessur. Sky Plus/Tivo that bad boy and watch it over and over again

Good luck people - hope NONE of these resonate with you as you are all HIGHLY motivate people...

xxx GB

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