Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

GEORGIE - getting off that pop - again

Greetings!! Absento I have been while I took a summer break and it was lovely to take in some sun and sea and enjoy the irresponsibility of doing nothing but reading, relaxing, and er, eating and drinking.

Luckily Cyprus was healthy as hell. Fresh salad and pork/chicken kebabs, fish, hummus and lots and lots of watermelon! But a few G and T's every night and I am feeling a little bit over indulged on the booze front.

With a new job starting in a a few weeks, it's time to make sure I look my best when I walk through the doors to meet my new colleagues. Easiest way to brighten the skin and ensure a rested and healthy look for me is to get off the pop. So for a few weeks, it will be mineral water for me, and although it always normally takes me a few attempts to say no at a glass of wine in the evening (I always forget my vow and realise that I am going to have to start my pledge tomorrow) I would really recommend trying it for a while at least.

For those of us who occasionally over do it, waking up without a hangover is the best thing EVER. You never waste a weekend sleeping off your excesses and you can get on with enjoying whatever else you have planned - and you will be amazed how much better you sleep too.

If you consider doing it - and I would say just try it for 3 weeks and see how you find it - don't let any of your friends tell you you're a bore - alcohol is not required for a good time - you will be surprised how fun an evening out can be without the headache OR the hole in your wallet the next day!!

Good luck!

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