Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, July 12, 2010

ROSIE - Supermum (or not)...

So, I realise I have not pulled my fair share in the blogging stakes recently. My posts have been few and far between and I have relied on my oh so brilliant sisters to keep up the good work. Not that it's a chore, you understand, but it's another THING that needs to be done.

My excuse? I don't like to call it an excuse... more my reason - well, I've finally bitten the bullet and got a "proper" job. Without boring you with the details, I am now a fully fledged member of the working mothers brigade. And wowser, what a job. I don't mean my "proper" job, I mean all the other things that go round it! Packed lunches (me & Jack). Snacks (me & Jack). Bags packed (me and Jack). Spare clothes (just Jack). Dropping Jack off at the childminders and leaving him screaming in her arms (definitley just Jack). It's ridiculous how a 21 hour working week can take up your time!

So, needless to say, a few other things have fallen by the wayside. My regular "I-do-this-religiously-every-day-and-have-done-for-3-and-a-half-years" walk with Jessie in the morning has been cut in half. My exercise? Hmmm. The less said about that the better. Let's say I probably do about a third of what I would LIKE to do. And I am KNACKERED! I am asleep on the sofa at 9 at night!

I'm hoping it's just a phase and I will get used to it. In the meantim, my mantra -which I am screaming in my mind in a sort of frenzy - is to MAKE TIME. True with healthy eating, exercise, making time for loved ones (the monosyllabic grunts to my husband SO have to stop)... I think a lesson to all - unless everyone out there is superwoman (or supermum).

Love from a very UN-supermum. x

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