Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

ZAR - Inspiration for the week ahead!

I got up this morning as my neighbour was coming in from a big Saturday night. Early for a Sunday. I was on the road at 5am, meeting my team mates soon after, and not long after that cycling over the Harbour Bridge. This was an experience in itself - cool, clear, quiet. Sydney at it's best.

I was on the way to check in for the BRW Triathlon in the Botanic Gardens. 400m swim, 8km bike, 4km run. 4500 people, competing in teams of workmates and randoms, some seriously, some for fun, many for the first time, lots on an annual pilgrimage.

I can't recommend a fitness challenge of this type enough. To push yourself physically is only the half of it. The mental ride is the other half. Excitement, nerves, fear, fun seriousness, concentration, exhaustion, pain, exhilaration. There is nothing like crossing the finishing line, knowing you've achieved something few do. It lifts spirits and gives confidence. The rush of endorphins is worth it too.

Even if it's not a triathlon, plan to do something that takes you out of your comfort zone, that challenges you and you won't believe how it'll make you feel. A fun run will do it. And then watch yourself go.........

P.S. I should mention that I started the swim 30 seconds early (an innocent mistake), the run leg nearly killed me and when that didn't, the cycle back to Crows Nest, almost all up hill, pretty much finished the job. Hurrah - bring it on!

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