Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

GEORGIE - Hoe Hoe Hoe (no it's not Christmas)

Spring is here!!! Except of course, if you are currently in Scotland (more on that in a moment). Let’s hope this blog sends away any remaining bad weather with it’s sunny disposition. I’ve found a new work-out and it’s perfect for this time of year. Rosie, who is currently staying with us will also concur. It’s getting busy in the garden! After an hour of hoe-ing today Miss B junior is pooped!! (A hoe btw is a type of gardening instrument not a hotpant-clad dancer on an R’n B video - if you don’t know - ask your parents).
I’ve taken up painting (walls, not the Picasso style) and confirm that amount of fresh sea air taken in and the amount of energy expelled does indeed make for a good nights sleep and it all counts as exercise.

It’s hardly an original thought we are having here, but our lifestyles mean that most of us, who work in offices or sit at desks day in day out, aren’t used to any type of manual labour. The best most of us can expect is that we burn our calories walking to lunch, to the car, to the office or through simple brain power. Gym helps, but nothing beats working outside in the fresh air for a satisfying tired feeling after.

I did a little digging (pun intended) on the internet tonight just to get an idea for all of us of how we can do the equivalent to a good hard 40 minutes on the elliptical in our gardens.

Weeding on hands and knees comes in at 306 calories an hour which is more then you’ll burn on an hour long walk doing 3 mph...

Clearing land or digging burns 340 calories an hour (that’s 3 small glasses of wine you have earned - don’t drink them all at once)

When you take to something a little more strenuous, like chopping wood or manually mowing the lawn (with a push-me-pull-you mower) you are hitting the +400 calories mark!!

For those in Scotland - snow shovelling - 410 calories burned per hour! Get out there!

Also in consideration, a little Vitamin D intake in the spring sunshine, and lots and lots of fresh air to cleanse our stuffy old winter lungs.

Apologies to all those people who live down under and don’t have small excitements like ‘spring sun’ and our pathetic post winter temperatures to look forward to, this blog is a bore. It’s content though applies whatever the weather. Get out there and get green fingered!!

GB x

P.S. Guest Blog on the way, Mummy Bingham is penning one as we speak... well - she is a Bingham Girl after all!

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