Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

GEORGIE - DO this, do that - the latest....

This relates to an article I saw today in the Daily Mail - new research on how to live a longer and healthier life. We are always being bombarded with the latest health advice - eat this, do that, don't do that... its all bossy bossy bossy from the health experts. HOWEVER it is always entertaining to hear the latest gems... I am all for a healthier happier me (or you) but some of these things seem hilarious to me!! Here we go...

The latest advice on how to live longer;

Don't lie in - it can disrupt your sleep pattern and cause 'weekend headaches' (NOOOOOO NOOOOOO really?)

Go colourful - eat food of every colour of the rainbow - that means your diet is varied (agree - everyone has seen a Gillian McKeith table of 'before' food and its always a deep friend colour of yellows, orange and beige - yuk - the more colourful it is, the better as far as I am concerned!!)

Stand on one leg to brush your teeth - no seriously - this apparently helps work out core muscles that rarely get a use AND it can help with your balance too! (Should be interesting when we're struggling and knackered in the morning)

Don't go to the pub for a whinge - apparently a brisk walk or a coffee is a better way to work out anxiety - pub is just an avoidance of the issue itself (plus surely save us all from your boring whinging - no one likes a Debbie Downer...)

Wear heels - (HALLELUJAH!!!! I rejoice this one) - although it does go on to say that a little heel - a half to 3/4 of an inch helps with arch support, posture and knee tendons... So no recommendations of the 3 plus inches I like to wear then...

Suncream no no's - don't wear high factor cream - stick with SP30 and below - high factor creams aren't much more effective - (and look stupid too - yes, we have all done the factor 60 'white off' - v.embarrassing) we are advised to wear some form of UVA protection all year round as they're the rays that do the damage, so SP15 in the winter and SP30 in the summer. (although don't forget about the teeny weeny odd bit of Vitamin D here and there!)

If you are going to buy shoes, buy them at the end of the day - ( First I thought this was a joke, then I though this would be due to lower likelihood of impulse buying at the end of the day) Actually it's for physical reasons - by the end of a day your feet are at their actual size - your feet swell due to gravity and blood flow during the course of the day so late shopping means you aren't likely to buy shoes that are waaaay too tight!

Ditch the bottled water - (well this appeals to me as I HATE the waste caused by little bottles of water but its not environmental) according to this expert - Catherine Collins, chief dietitian at St George's in London, it doesn't have to be water that hydrates you - it CAN be tea, coffee, soup - anything that makes you pee!! She also says that if you eat your five a day then you actually get enough water in your diet anyway. (Don't agree - I love water but hey - ditch the bottles THAT I agree with.)

Don't rinse after brushing - This sounds quite weird, but The British Dental association say the toothpaste residue left in your mouth when you spit out helps protect teeth over the coming hours. (What about mouthwash?)

Wash your hands on your return home - the amount of germs we pick up in public places while travelling to and from work or trips is easily spread around your house so washing your hands as soon as you walk through the door helps you avoid spreading it around your own home. (Bingham girls have been bought up on the 'a little dirt never hurt anyone' (except at Zar Bar of COURSE) and I am hardly ever sick so I take this with a pinch of salt but when you look at the principle of how germs are spread this is of course, common sense...)

Watch TV constructively - that means stretching and exercising in ad breaks... - sit ups, Pilate's movements and stretches - (I have taken this one step further and often sat on my friends exercise bike while watching back episodes of America's Next Top Model... sneaky way to while away the lazy hours in front of the tv... how sad is that?!)

If you can't sleep, don't just lie there... - a professor at the Loughboro sleep research institute says fighting sleep in your bed is totally counter productive - and he suggests getting up and engaging your brain!! Do a jigsaw puzzle!! (I would suggest jiggy jiggy is the best way to work your way towards a good nights sleep but hey - he's the expert....)

And finally - apparently it helps to breathe like a baby!! We are all born with the ability to breathe well and stress stops us from remembering to breathe from our bellies... so all together now - imagine your tummy is a big balloon and ease and deflate. Repeat and relax!!

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