Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, April 19, 2010

MUMMY BING - I told you so...

I'm very touched to be asked to write a blog as the fourth Bingham girl (or maybe I should be the first from whom the other three have sprung?!), but as our generation are not keen bloggers possibly only 2% of them will even bother to read it! If there is a demand for geriatric help/advice/views, please let me know and I will happily continue to blog.
Two things spring to mind immediately - first that it is lovely that the three girls have something that they can do together even though world- wide-spread. Zar I know is delighted to be included and really enjoys her blogging. Secondly, it is so great that all those years of banging on on the same old theme - never, ever go on a diet to lose weight, eat moderately of all things just not too much, never have a second helping, a naughty little treat does you good now and again, take as much exercise as you can possibly manage, energise to feel energetic and balance your lives to suit your existence - really has now shown to bear fruit in this blog. Some of the things said could be me speaking, so that is very rewarding!! I feel that I should be the proud mummy as we are very proud of the way our three girls are running their lives, all different but all fulfilled in their own ways.
Let's hear whether you want any more of this, replacement hips and knees and creaking joints are my speciality!
Thanks for reading this, love Mummy Bingham

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