Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

GEORGIE - Lead legs aside - how to motivate yourself...

I can be flakey. Lots of people can. But when it comes to exercise, being flakey is just not going to work. Not as a regular fixture.

Let's first of all discount what I call 'lead legs' syndrome. You eat well, feel rested and be looking forward/feeling like exercising. Then when you get out on the road or in the gym it JUST ISN'T HAPPENING. I experienced it yesterday. The sun was out, and I felt a run would be great - but after that initial half a mile it didn't get any easier and after the first mile I had to accept this was just going to be one of those runs that was long, slow and very unsatisfying. Couple of things you can do here. Do what I did - run slow and just FINISH. You are still exercising after all! I did a few extra sit ups afterwards to make myself feel a little worked out. You can also take it down to a really fast power walk when your legs feel like lead. If that doesn't appeal - change it up. Try lunges, sidesteps, bottom kicks and high knees alternatively with jogging or fast walking. Just don't give up. If 'lead legs' happens in the gym, do something else that day. Stay off the heavy weights and running machine and use the elliptical or bike and do some core instead.

BTW - Lead leg days should only be an occasional problem. If every time you work out it is really too hard then look at your diet or the amount of sleep you are getting.

OK that is lead legs out of the way... I just wanted to talk a little mind game I have worked out that gives me a good satisfying gym session. I am (by a mile) never the fittest and best looking person in the gym. When I workout I go bright red and sweat like a pig. I envy people with better bodies, better fitness and the ability to look better then me when they work out. I am sure many of you are the same. Particularly if you are overweight. But what I can do - is work out smarter and harder then them. Its very satisfying - try it next time you go to the gym. Workout HARDER. If you are going to get red and sweaty, DO IT HARD. For me it's a matter or making sure people know I am working on this body I have got. More importantly there is something REALLY satisfying about that SMUG feeling you can have over other people in the gym who aren't working out and burning calories as hard as you. I use it as my motivation. I smugly pity the girl who spends an hour on the cross trainer with a magazine, lazily rocking back and forth burning probably 200 calories max. Why bother? I think. I get great satisfaction out of working my weight circuits in a fast exhausting rotation while all the men pose and rest for about 6 minutes between each set. Muppets. Don't they know anything about raising their heart rate too while they tone their muscles? Working out HARD also means I am IN AND OUT in 45/50 minutes and I know that in that time I have done some serious work, and sometimes I know no-one in that gym was working harder then me. It's very satisfying. Try is next time you go to a public place to work out. Works in a swimming pool too.

If what I've just described above isn't going to work for you in terms of motivation, then just set yourself this challenge.
"Today I am going to be in the gym for 1 hour. That is ONE hour in my day devoted to myself, my health, my mood and my body. I promise to work as hard as I can for that 50 minutes and leave the gym satisfied I have worked out to the best of my ability" You'll be surprised how satisfying a feeling sticking to that pledge feels.

Happy workouts!!

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