Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Friday, March 19, 2010

ROSIE - Getting fit doesn't have to cost you the earth!

Exercising sure can rack up in cost. There's that gym membership, perhaps the cost of a personal trainer (touche!), gym clothes (cos you have to look good, right?). Before you know it it's really cost a lot and if you only go to the gym once in a blue moon each visit to the gym is really not worth the money! Gym membership = £50 per month, if you only go once per month, yes, that really is costing you £50 to go to the gym!

Remember, it doesn't have to be that way. Put that bike you have rusting away in the garage to good use and get out on it; so much easier now that spring is in the air! A jog outside = free. Walk the dog - both of you are exercised! Exercise DVD's can cost next to nothing and you can use them over and over. Even Sky TV has fitness channels with programmes running 24-7; record one and again, use it over and over.

Even those little extras can really help. Gardening and housework are a GREAT calorie burner. I'm always surprised how much I sweat after I've cleaned the house! Even standing doing the ironing whilst not technically exercising is still keeping active. Set up a little circuit at home with a chair and some stairs; jumping jacks, sit ups, press ups, running up stairs, tricep dips, burpees = FREE! Give yourself a challenge and try and run up stairs instead of using the lift or escalator. Get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way. Use your lunch hour to get out for a half hour powerwalk, you've still got half an hour to eat your lunch.

If you really think about your day and how much time you spend sedentary and those little extra things you can do to boost your exercise, there really are hundreds - we just live in a society where it's easier not to. Have a go and you'll be surprised at the difference it makes!

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