Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

ZAR - appreciating what you've got (and its not bad down under!!)

Life is so busy.....we all are. Whether you have a family, a career, lots of hobbies, travel or all of the above, we rush around like crazy things most of the time without really taking a moment to appreciate what we have or the life we live. You may be happy buying a new big screen TV or a flashier car. We all like to have nice things, and we work hard enough for them. But relish the basic things in life and your credit card bill will be smaller!

I did two things yesterday that I so enjoyed and really inspired me. Firstly, I went to the Sydney markets. Imagine an aeroplane hangar filled with stalls of fruit and veg. A whole new world of people who work all through the night, bringing in the fresh produce, getting it out to the wholesalers and greengrocers who supply restaurants, cafes and your local markets. The crazy forklift drivers who zoom around lifting pallets of fruit and veg and deliver it to the waiting trucks and vans. The stall holders organising an amazing array of fresh food. I haven't been there for over 5 years and I loved it all over again. You don't have to go to the big markets. Go to a greengrocer or organic market and pick up and feel and smell the produce. Look around at all the colours and experience the textures. One of my favourite times of the week is first thing on Saturday morning at the greengrocer and butcher, not too many people around - just being at one with the fresh food!!! That's what gets me going!!

I also went to Bondi Beach yesterday. I had breakfast with a friend and then went to watch a surf competition that was in action. I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed seeing the very talented people out in the surf. My favourite part of the day though was driving there as the sun was coming up. Sitting on the promenade watching the water. Feeling the sun on my skin. Smelling the ocean. Reminding myself of where I was and the life I live.

Yes, I sound like a bit of a wanker.... and I also know that not everyone is lucky enough to live by the beach or have the freedom to go where they want, when they want.

This doesn't have to be about making a big effort to go to a surf competition or get to the markets. Look around you everyday and realise how lucky you are in your life. Whenever you feel like whinging about something, remember there are billions of people worse off than you right now. When it's raining, smell how fresh it is and look at the greenery glistening as it is washed. When things don't quite go according to plan, take a deep breath, work around it and think that it'll go better next time. Look at your parents, siblings, husband, wife, children, family and friends and see their smiling faces - tell them you love them, hold their hand.

I know this comes from an annoyingly optimistic person and lucky enough to live in an amazing place doing what I love everyday, so it's easy to be happy with life. But truly, if you appreciate the small things around you in the world, you can't fail to be happy. If you're not happy with the bigger things, you have to take steps to change those. If you want to realise your hopes and dreams, you need a positive attitude and spirit and these will be fed by absorbing the little miracles and experiences that this world provides.

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