Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Friday, March 12, 2010

ROSIE - Packed lunch queen!

In the year after I left Uni and worked in office jobs, I got pretty sick of buying my own lunches. Millions of us do it every day and why? It's expensive, the majority are disgusting and nutritionally leave much to be desired. So, after not too long I started experimenting with packed lunches. Soggy sandwiches and a browning banana is the first thing which springs to mind when you think packed lunch... but nine years on and I think I have it mastered! I have a Tupperware collection to match my mothers' (which is SERIOUSLY impressive) and a few tried and tested winners. So, if you're sick of spending a fortune on revolting salt, sugar and fat ridden sandwiches, read on!

1) Salad
Boooring. I know. I think I am a rare breed in that it is actually my favourite food but it used to be a staple for me. If you sit down in the evening for a full on meal you don't want the same at lunch. You feel virtuous knowing you've had a healthy lunch and you can have a massive quantity to fill you up without stacking up the calories. Think chicken, prawns, smoked salmon, smoked mackerel, ham, avocados, sweetcorn, lentils, chickpeas, tuna, seeds & nuts, raisins, roasted butternut squash... the list is endless. Make your own dressing with a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper and it's so delicious! A word of warning though... watch out for adding too much cheese or mayo as the calories on these can make it a calorie no-no.

2) Soup
Tinned, fresh or home made - the choice is yours. Most offices or places of work have a microwave, if they don't then thermoses cost less than a fiver these days. I make mine in bulk, freeze in individual portions and defrost it the night before. Take a roll in and you've got a really quick nutritious lunch to go. Soups are usually packed with veges and are mostly low fat. Beware, though, with regards shop bought soups, both fresh and tinned can be shockingly high in sugar and salt.

3) Sandwiches
The good old sarnie! The best thing about making them at home is YOU KNOW WHAT'S IN IT! Shop bought varieties can stack up at 700 cals per sandwich and as much as £4.50 (or more!), you can make your own for 300 cals and a tenth of the price. Make it in the morning to avoid it going soggy, again, it should take as little as few minutes. Variety is the spice of life - to avoid getting bored make sure you have different fillings. Use wholegrain breads to get your intake of fibre and fill it with salad to fill up your tum. Go easy on the butter, mayo and cheese to avoid high calories. Using pickles, chutneys and mustard can add great flavour without calories.

4) Pittas/wraps
A great alternative as they are usually lower in calories and don't have the yeast so shouldn't bloat you out. I find bread makes me sleepy as well but pitas and wraps don't. The same rules apply as above!

5) Crudites
If you're really watching your weight, fill up on veges! Cut some carrots, celery, raw broccoli, peppers, cucumber... again, the list is endless and take in a dip such as hummous. Remember, these are really high in fibre so beware a smelly afternoon - if you're not used to lots of veg you may find flatulence is the biggest problem to start with!

It sounds like a lot of work but once you get into the routine of doing it, it is just another part of your day... and I can guarantee a whole lot nicer AND cheaper than buying! Give it a go...!

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