Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rosie - Mummy Motivator!

Following on from my piece on pregnancy & exercise, I thought the natural lead from this was exercising once your baby has been born! Once your baby is a few months old and you’re in a bit of a routine, plus your body is probably ready to exercise even if you’ve had a C-section.

Being a mum is a full time job. Luckily the majority of the time it’s a joyful one but it’s constant, knackering and you can never switch off. Even when your baby is sleeping, there’s the washing, ironing, washing up, cooking, or whatever it is you do (I am loathe to admit that I usually sleep too, yes, 8 months on!).

The problem with motherhood is that the moment the baby is born, most mothers automatically give up their right to any “me time”. It’s so important to do something for yourself – it gives you a sense of self worth and exercising will boost your physical and mental well being more than you can believe.

* Take a walk – and some more!
It’s so simple…! Pushing a buggy is way harder than walking without one, or by using a baby sling or baby backpack you can add loads of calorie burn to a simple walk. To add a little extra, try lunges with the pram. If you see a park bench (or even a fallen tree), stop the buggy and do some tricep dips. If you’re really keen, some press ups will complete the set – so you may look a banana but who cares?! Try and walk at least once a day, come rain or shine – that’s what a buggy cover is for. The fresh air is good for your baby too. If you have a good set of quiet roads around you, try running with a buggy – it’s hard work.

* Exercise DVD’s
Whilst your baby is sleeping, resist the urge to do the housework and get that DVD on. They were a lifesaver for me in the first few months after Jack was born. In fact, I used to put them on when he was awake and he would watch me from his bouncy chair in awe… the fact I was moving kept him occupied (only for a certain period of time…!)

* Use your baby
Babies love it when you get down and play with them. Lay them on the floor on their backs, get in a press up position, every time you go down to the floor give them a kiss or a raspberry. For sit ups, straddle them on your hips, every time you come up and down they will find it hilarious. Jack’s favourite is what I call a “baby press”; lying on the floor, take your baby in your hands above your head and bring them down to your chest. Push them up to ceiling and down again. He laughs his little head off. Try 3 sets of 20 of each and you’re on your way!

* Exercise classes
There are so many classes targeted at mums where you bring your baby along. They’re fantastic and you’ll meet some great friends that way.

* Gym crèches
A lot of gyms will have a crèche for a small fee. It can be quite an expensive way of doing it but if you were to have one really good workout once a week then I’m sure it’s worth the few pounds for the crèche.

Make sure you eat healthily, it’s tempting to snack and not eat proper meals when you’re busy with a baby. If you were to incorporate 4 of the above in a week you’re onto a winner and I promise, the weight will shift. Don’t be a martyr and not give yourself YOU time; your baby and his father will notice the difference in you both physically and mentally.

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