Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ROSIE - Bingo Wings time!!! Top Tricep Tips!

Apologies in advance, boys, but this blog is probably solely for the ladies! It’s no myth… hit 30 and those bingo wings appear with a vengeance – I’m shocked that it’s happened to me! However, before I continue it’s important to remember – YOU CANNOT SPOT REDUCE ANY AREA OF YOUR BODY. Muscles and tone will only appear when the layer of fat on top is decreased; that can only happen through calorie burning. However, incorporating resistance exercises with your high intensity cardio work is the winning equation to build muscle and get toned.

Triceps are a relatively small muscle, when you work them they should burn. The best way to work any muscle is to failure: this means you could not perform one more repetition with good form. Read on for some stunning exercises to work those triceps, and yes, feel the burn!

Tricep dip
That old chestnut, it’s still the best! Sit on a step, bench, sofa, chair, whatever (it needs to be relatively high), hands close to your bottom. Drop your bottom off the bench down towards the floor. Make sure your elbows bend and you DON’T drop forward (that’s cheating!). Keep the elbows in tight, not splayed outwards. To make harder – take your legs straighter. Even a couple of inches makes a big difference. Harder still, put your feet on an object the same height as the bench your hands are on. Add weight by popping any weight on your lap. Repeat 2 x 15.

Tricep extension
Some say you shouldn’t do this exercise double handed, I disagree. You decide and do what’s best for you! Grab a heavy weight in both hands (I use 5 kgs but am not v strong), take the weight straight above your head. Keeping your ELBOWS FIXED, drop the weight down behind your head so the elbows are bent. Bring the weight back up straight and repeat. Ensure the only part that is moving is the forearms. Repeat 2 x 12 but remember what I said about the weight – it should be heavy enough for you to achieve failure by the last rep of each set.

Tricep press
This is a press up, just performed in a way that it favours the triceps. Get into a press up position but put your hands together, forming an “A” with your fingers and thumbs. Remember, get as low as you can, don’t cheat! If you can’t do a full press up, get on your knees and do it but remember your body should be in a straight line from knees to shoulders, no bottoms sticking in the air. Repeat… as many as you can x 2 sets!

To be honest, these are my favourite three tricep exercises. I may well do more in the future but these should keep you going. Incorporate them into your resistance regime – if you do them one after another then you really will be working them hard!

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