Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, September 20, 2010

ZAR - Goal setting

Welcome to another busy week on Bingham Girls!

OK, OK, I promise not to get all Anthony Robbins on you but I've been thinking this last week about 2 events I have coming up and how glad I was for them. I'm doing the Sydney to the 'Gong ride, a 90km bike ride in November and then in December I'm doing the swim leg (1.9km) and bike leg (90km) of the Canberra half Ironman.

Because of these, I've had to force myself to train, to get on the bike when I don't feel like it and even though I've hit a bit of a wall with my swimming, I'm going on a course next weekend which will fix it and I'll be back into the routine in no time.

I KNOW that if I didn't have these 2 events to train for I would be sitting on my arse wondering why it was getting bigger. One of my customers regularly does Ironman comps and she said to me to watch out, that it's a slippery slope!! I know this, as I do more events, the urge to do more and be better is hard to fight.

This really is a totally different mindset from a few years ago when I wouldn't even have attempted anything for fear of failing. Don't get me wrong, I AM afraid that I will be the only person pushing my bike up the hill on the course in Canberra!! I do worry about the half Ironman legs but I know from experience, the exhilaration of completing something you've trained for, however small, overcomes all of the fear.

I really recommend challenging yourself to do something, anything. Look and see if there's any events coming up in your area, a fun run, charity walk, mini triathlon and sign yourself (and a friend!) up for it. Give yourself enough time to train and see how you feel after. I guarantee it'll be a buzz like no other. You'll feel so great about yourself and this confidence will carry over to other areas of your life. You may even understand how those nutters who run marathons get addicted to running and beating their times. This is the slippery slope I was warned about!!

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