Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ROSIE - Pregnancy - ARGHHHHH!!!

For those of you who know me well know that I HATE to lose control of my body. So, being pregnant with Jack kind of screwed me over a little. For the first twelve weeks of pregnancy - all I wanted was CHEESE. And pizza. And bangers and mash. And crisps. And anything salty. Peanuts? Yum. In fact the only GOOD thing was that I didn't want anything sweet at all, which is usually my downfall. Result? I put on a stone in the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy. Luckily that all settled down and my body utilised all that fat so that I only put on 7 lbs in the remaining 20 weeks of pregnancy. So, I ended up looking okay and thanks to a marathon labour which resulted in me not eating for 3 days meant I was back in shape after no time.


The exercise thing I found REALLY hard. Not being able to push myself and finish a workout feeling really satisfied crucified me. But I kept plugging on; walking every day, gym 4 times a week right up until the day before I went into labour and it paid off; I gave birth to Jack and got over my caeser and found that really, picking my fitness back up wasn't so horribly hard.


So - the news, for those of you who don't know it - yes, I'm pregnant with number 2. 16 weeks down, 24 to go. And yes, I feel like I've put on at least 5 stone. My husband patted my ass this evening and the whole house shook. My thighs are each the size of oak trees and I have a double chin to match the spare tyre on my waist. Ha. Well, that's what it feels like anyway.


No. No. Must not go down that route. It is natural to put on weight when pregnant, your body needs it. I saw a horrendous sight on the beach when we were on holiday, this really really skinny pregnant girl, with a massive bump but the rest of her was skin and bone. She just looked awful and it looked SO wrong.


I am going back to the body dismorphia thing; chances are I've put on half a stone so far. I have been exercising, trying not to pig out and generally keeping healthy. My baby NEEDS my extra weight to feed it - and I am certainly not eating for two. There really is no need when you're pregnant. It's only in the last 3 months of pregnancy that you need any extra calories; and even then it's only 200 cals per day, the same as a piece of toast with butter and honey.


So, what do I keep telling myself? Don't panic. Once the first 13 weeks are over I won't want to pig out so bad. That's all done now and yes, that is ceasing, slowly (even though a cheesy fest of nachos is on the menu for tomorrow night - YUM). Keep exercising, luckily I can't drink too much so that helps. Pregnancy is a wonderful thing - it's just that it's not ME that feels wonderful! Yuck!

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