Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, May 10, 2010

ZAR - little resolutions

(With apologies for a lack of blog yesterday - you can blame GB who was out bouncing around some social event and forgot to post)

I never used to make New Years resolutions, rather I'd resolve to be better every year. I did make a couple of resolutions this year but I usually set goals - 5 years, 1 year, monthly.....whatever it might be. I had an interesting conversation with a customer the other day who had a good idea to make mid year resolutions.

I want to add just a little to Pose's wonderful blog on goalsetting. She talked about making goals specific, achievable, measurable, realistic and putting a time frame on them. Unless you do this it will be very easy to lose sight of your goals. Weeks slip by, become months and suddenly you're not the same person who was so fired up.

I think it's really important to keep goals and resolutions at the forefront of your mind. As we hurtle towards winter here, I like to promise myself that I won't put on any weight through the winter. I've got a new exercise regime that I'm really excited about, have my eating under control(ish), monthly weigh-ins as a WeightWatchers lifetime member. I'm determined to come out the otherside; fit, slim and feeling great and not have to hit the gym to make my body bikini ready.

If you have made resolutions, set goals or promised yourself to get fit or eat healthy, remind yourself of them, write them down. There's nothing like achieving a goal to give yourself a boost. Life is busy; don't let another 6 months slip by and suddenly you realise that promise you made to yourself was just words.

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