Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

GEORGIE - Looking good summer guide part 2 - make up

I'll keep this short as I am on holiday this week and keen to get back to the party;

Make up in the summer months is simple. WEAR LESS. It is summer. No one likes the 'plastered on' look. Totally Uncool.

Firstly, you should be wearing different shades winter and summer unless you are whiter then white in terms of skin tone. As soon as I start to summer 'fake tan it up' I tend to go a whole shade darker in the foundation department. It's important. Go to your favourite make up company and get two shades for winter and summer

Why do women forget their ear lobes, necks and hairlines in the summer? It is fine to look like you have colour but please don't forget to rub it in. Make sure your foundation looks plausible at the least... rub it in!! If you have to wear it all the way down to your cleavage line then so be it. I have NO time for women with tangerine faces and white necks. Yuk.

Shop around. If you can get away with a water-based make up (most of the liquid foundations out there) then find the right shade. If Clinique don't do your shade, either mix two colours or just find something else!! It takes shopping around. If like me, your skin absolutely EATS make up (i.e. you look like you have nothing on after half an hour) then go for an oil based product (I cannot recommend MAC Studio Tech enough for this - can go on thin as you like and lasts for EVER) If you need more coverage then most and have oily or combination skin then try the cover girl mousse make up foundations or the mineral foundations. Remember, store girls want to sell you a product, you don't have to buy - if you aren't convinced, keep looking. If you really want help, email me and I bet I can help you with your specific needs (are you kidding me - 10 years in TV and I have tried EVERY make up product going). Patience until you find something. If you like the way someone looks, ask them where they got their foundation from. Get tips people!

MAC, the make up GODS developed two tones of colour for their foundations. What they call 'cold' and 'warm' skin tones. Basically, the browner, more beige tones are cold, and the redder, pinker tones are warm. Ever tried a foundation and found it makes you look like a tomato with factor 60 white sunblock on? It's simply too warm a tone for you. Shop around and if you are't sure then go to MAC and get them to find you the correct tone.

I discovered bodily make up and it is a god send!! Don't wear it under white for god's sake (you will end up filthy dirty all over) but this covers a variety of sins including split veins on the legs and bumpy upper arms. Just use it sparingly. Soap and glory do a good spray on version, Benefit do a good buff on foundation for body parts and MAC do an entire range for the body. Go look.

I will be covering applying make up in the next summer guide which I will write later this week/early next week.

Remember. If the foundation doesn't look perfect, it isn't. There are enough brands out there in the market for you to find something that REALLY matches your skin type and tone so just keep shopping around. If you genuinely feel exasperated and can't find your match, email me!! and I promise to help you find something right for you.

Lots of love GB

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