Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

GEORGIE - Restaurant feast or famine....

Eating out is hard. When I lived in the USA we ate out 4 times a week on average and I got so used to restaurant dining I also got very good at portion control. I never ate two courses unless it was two starters back to back, no desserts, wine at weekends only and sticking to little plates etc. But now I am back in the UK (and while I was on unemployed persons budget) eating out has become something more of a treat then it was stateside. That brings up a problem - well, for the piggy in me anyway - as I want to eat THE WHOLE MENU. Things that were a complete NO NO for me in the US - bread basket, chips, onion rings etc are such a treat that I feel like I can just bend the rules as I haven't eaten out for ages. Add to that eating pudding, 3/4/5 glasses of wine and (in the case of twice last week) 3 COURSES (3 courses!) I am in danger of sliding into restaurant gut hell!!

I ate out three times last week. It was great! We were celebrating and I really felt like I deserved the treat. What my body didn't deserve was the stuffing it got... I really over did it. And while it's fine to pig out once in a while, its not ok for me to do it regularly. I have lost my restraint when there's a menu in my hand and I need to retrain myself to get that discipline back. I intend to get back on that wagon pronto.

So the answer? Well I go back to my Superbowl experience. (It's a good read if you want to look back through our February blogs) Fun is fine, but it must be a one off. So, back to the old rules. No excess drinking. No bread basket. No chips. Protein and vegetables to ensure I am not eating all my calories for the day in one sitting.

All I am saying peeps, is enjoy it, but when you wake up a week later 5 pounds heavier (like I did) then I guess, I deserve that. Oh well. Back to the gym we go.

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