Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sorry for all you guys who read this down in Aus – but us Brits can’t stop banging on about the fact that summer is on the way, despite the fact I am looking out of the window at the moment and it’s grey, grey, grey! Anyway, HOORAY for the longer days and the occasional bout of sunshine that we get. That’s why today’s blog is focussed on training outdoors.

Training in a different environment is a GREAT way to boost the fitness. Chances are if you slog it out in a gym regularly, you rarely look at ways to challenge your fitness outside. It keeps you fresh, motivated and is guaranteed to get that heart rate up! The training ideas below are based on you having a convenient park nearby – but if you’re not lucky enough for that, you can still do it. If you live in the wilderness, think stiles, tree stumps, uneven surfaces. If you have a beach nearby (we hear you, Zar!) I think the hardest I have ever trained was when I was in Australia – running on the beach – need I say more? Think outside the box and you can usually apply any of the below techniques to your environment, even your back garden, as long as you have a couple of chairs and a handkerchief sized patch of grass like I do. Pick any or all of these below; you will need SOME equipment but don’t rush out and buy it all at once. Try a couple of things, if you’re enthused then you can pick bits up as you go along. As I’ve said before equipment doesn’t have to be expensive, beg, borrow (but don’t steal) if you have to!

The amount of time you do these for depends on your fitness; start for say 30 secs each, increase to 1 or 2 mins as you get fitter.

Bench jumps
On a reasonably high (say knee high) long bench (it needs to be quite narrow), grab on either side of your bench so your feet are both one side and you’re bending over the bench. Jump both feet (landing at the same time) over the bench. Repeat as fast as you can.

Step ups/ jump ups
Find some solid object which is just above knee height and step! Obviously the higher the better, if it’s not high enough, you can jump two footed on to it, (be careful). Or you can start with one foot either side of it and jump up so both feet are on it.

Rope jumps
You can draw an imaginary line on the grass/beach/whatever if you don’t have a rope handy… jump both feet side to side so you’re zigzagging from one end of the rope to the other.

Probably the last time you skipped was at primary school. You can do the singing too if you like – or if you have the puff. Try both feet together, alternate feet is TOO EASY!

Great if you’ve got the kit, just muller it for as long as you can. As well as straight jabs, think punching up in the air and from side to side with a wide stance.

Jump lunges
Starting with your feet in a lunge position, right foot forward. Spring yourself up in the air (use your arms) and land with your feet again in the lunge position, but with the left forward. The key is to jump as high as you can and stay in vaguely the same spot.

Ooh… these strike terror in my heart. Start in a plank position. Complete a press up, then bring both feet to your chest, jump up high in the air with your arms above your head then get down to the start position again. One word: killer.

The aim of this is not to look stupid, although you may well do! Think big strides; you’re going to be running really big steps, swinging your arms as high as you can to get as far as you can. Set out cones, or stones, or whatever you have as targets for each step. Do say 30 metres, jog back to the start and repeat.

I know the word strikes horror in the heart of many (I’m really NOT a sprinter) but it’s so good for fitness. We’re not talking Usain Bolt, just as fast as YOU can run. Sprint for 20 metres, jog back to the start and repeat. Keep your abs in, arms tight to your body and get those legs moving as fast as you can. You’ll be amazed how quickly you get faster.

Have a 10 minute jog after these to get your body back to normal (even if you feel knackered!) Although most of these seem to be geared to the legs, you’ll really find they give you an all over work out as they use the arms and core a lot. Of course you can always incorporate some sit ups, crunches, planks, tricep dips, push ups: whatever you want – if you have the energy for them! Don’t panic if you find them hard; they’re meant to be. If you find them a walk in the park, check you’re doing them right. If not – MAKE THEM HARDER! Enjoy!

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