Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ROSIE- My Poor Porky Dog....

For those of you who don’t know me I have one MAJOR love in my life (apart from husband and son, of course) and that’s my dog. She’s spoilt rotten but despite this is very well behaved and just gorgeous.

Richard and I noticed the other day that she’s looking a little portly and it got me wondering why? She has a minimum of an hour and a half walk a day and a 30-45 minute run with me three times per week. We don’t let her snack (or try not to, anyway) and don’t overfeed her.

In this very scientific experinment of mine (!) the conclusion I came to was that my poor porky dog has been exceedingly lazy because of… the hot weather! It really has been a hot week and a half here in lovely leafy Oxfordshire. She’s been flopping around like a slug. Morning walks are fine as it’s nice and cool but come the afternoon I literally have to DRAG her for a walk, which is very unusual for her. She lies in the garden all day and literally does not move except to pull herself into the shade when she’s too hot.

I guess you’re wondering what my point is? Well, dogs and humans are more alike than you think when it comes to a healthy body.

I got in a sweat on Sunday lifting my hand to put some sun cream on. I was laaaaaazy, and it was the heat. You guys in Aus or the USA are laughing at me but for us here in Blighty it’s HOT at 30 degrees! I couldn’t be bothered to do anything and this lack of activity CAN pile on the pounds. It’s something we bang on about blog in and blog out here on Bingham Girls. Every muscle you move burns calories. Slobbing on the sofa or standing on an escalator does not cut it. It’s not science; it’s not magic – get moving and keep active to keep your body in shape!

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