Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, May 17, 2010

ZAR - Its in the colours!!!

Not being the brightest bear, I love it when I read something that gives me info in an easy to understand way. I read this and thought I'd share it with you. Thanks to the Cleo website for a really good article. It's not a magazine I read but I'll definately be putting their website in my favourites and checking out their health pages from now on.

Antioxidants is another buzzword in the health world - do we really know what it means? Well, antioxidants fight free radicals; these are toxins in our bodies caused by everyday life - stress, sunlight, alcohol, pollution etc.

Brightly coloured foods all contain antioxidants which is why it's important to eat a brightly coloured and varied diet. Have you watched those TV shows which give people's diets an overhaul? I LOVE them!! (tragic) You really notice when they lay out, on a table, all the currently consumed foods of the participants, that it's mostly variations of brown. Their "new" diet is a rainbow of colours.

Orange foods contains caretenoids which helps with cell function.

Green vegies are full of the phytochemicals lutein and folate that heal damaged cells.

Red foods give us a boost of lycopene to protects our white blood cells which fight infection.

Yellow foods contain potassium. This has anti-inflammatory properties to help our joints. Garlic contains allicin which cleans up the junk we put into ourselves.

Purple foods are bursting with lutein and zeaxanthin relax your blood vessels to help your heart to have an easier time pumping. Also help to prevent macular degeneration of the eye.

I know there are some impossible scientific words there so I'll make it easy for you. All you really need to know is to mix it up in the fresh produce section and you will be taking a step towards brighter eyes and skin and better health generally.

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