Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, October 11, 2010

ZAR - Only human!!

I like to pride myself on the fact that I eat a pretty good diet and exercise very regularly. I'd say I'm better than the average person. However, this week - two pizza's and a chicken burger and chips later...... I'm not that proud. I skyped G yesterday evening and felt so fat after eating my pizza and falling asleep on the sofa. Yuck.

I really had to put it all in perspective.

I asked one of my customers this week, a doctor, what people could do to live a healthier life. The first thing he said was "exercise". Then he said, not smoke, if they drink, do so in moderation, eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep.

I think, considering what I've put my body through in the last 20 years, I'm making up for it now. I can't be too hard on myself for what people do much more regularly than that. I live as healthy life as I can. And that's really all I can ask of myself.

Have a look at your life. Are you too tough on yourself? Considering your life, are one or two slip-ups worth punishing yourself over. Be realistic about how strict you can be. It is about achieving a balance and enjoying it too. That's not to say that using everything as an excuse not to live a healthy life is being good to yourself. I know it, I've been there. I know that I've changed enough to know that this is not a slip-up, just me being human.

By the way, I really feel that because I didn't gorge on sugar like I would have done not so long ago, it's a much better feeling in my body. It deals with food much better and I really don't crave sugar at all anymore. Much more of a balance for me.

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