Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ZAR - Body Banter

I did the Pink Triathlon today. It's the same one that I did last year, the one that set me on the 'slippery slope'!! Just a mini - 300m swim, 9km cycle and 3km run. It's a really great event, raising money and awareness for breast cancer and giving women the opportunity to challenge themselves and have fun participating in 3 different length mini-tri's. There was also a kids event and plenty of families supporting the entrants.

What always strikes me about events like this is that there are no two women's bodies that are alike. Aged from 16 to 60, 5ft to 6ft, experienced or not, one lady with a prosthetic leg, cancer survivors and we can only guess how many other stories. It is great to see so many people getting out, breaking a sweat and challenging themselves.

There are of course bodies that I look at and think that I'd love less fat on my stomach like that girl. Or I'd love my thighs to be smaller like that lady so they weren't bulging out of the bottom of my tri-suit. And then I turn it on it's head and catch sight of myself in the bathroom mirror and think, there might be some people here who would like their body to be more like mine. Maybe they'd like my height, my arms/shoulders, my flatter (than it used to be) stomach.
That makes me feel really good. I remember that noone looks at and judges our bodies like we ourselves do. And I really remember how happy I am with the balance that I have achieved in the last year or two.

There is always something that we don't like about our body. Even Rosie who has the most enviable body, has spoken about the fact that she judges herself to be larger than she really is. It's about accepting ourselves as much as we can, being as healthy as we can to feel as good as we can. Remember also that there are talents that we all have which others are jealous of, it's not just about the body.

Just a note on being healthy in terms of body shape. Excess fat around the abdomen and organs is not good for your health in the long run as it can mean you're more at risk of heart disease. Most women particularily can lose the fat around the middle if they put their minds to it. Staying active and eating more fresh and less processed food is a great start.

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