Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Monday, October 18, 2010


I know how much you girls love a good over indulgence from me and it's taken a while but I feel truly madly deeply off the high board this weekend - this was a pig out gigantica - and when I woke up this morning I had what can only be described as a 'food hangover'. I totally over indulged in everything that upsets my stomach, makes me bloated and makes me knackered. I went on a Hen weekend - arrived late Friday night and started well enough, but it all went downhill from then on in...

Come, walk with me through this weekend's over indulgences...

Firstly - wine. Champagne, Kir, Fruit wine, Sloe Gin... eugh.... we did a fair amount of drinking and although I had a few glasses on Friday and stopped drinking Saturday night at about 1am (we went on til 4) I certainly didn't help myself.

The problem was foods that I haven't seen or eaten in a LONG time... The crips (that's chips' for you Americans) bowls and bowls of Whatsits, cheesy balls, cheese and onion squares, prawn cocktail melts AND I ate so many salt and vinegar 'chip sticks' I kind of burnt the inside of my mouth off (it still feels funny today.)
One of the girls bought bags and bags of Almond M and M's from the States which I carelessly pigged at throughout the weekend - I ate croissants AND pain au chocolat... Bacon butties and sausages. I ate lasagne, biscuits, chocolate bars, bread, cereal, cheese, god - the list was endless. I ate loads and loads of high sugar, high yeast foods that make my poor stomach scream with mercy and I have no doubt given myself a big fat dose of candida that will take weeks to get over!! The funny thing is that I probably didn't eat THAT much. If I laid out my weekend calories in, say, pizza form, I would easily wolf it down - but the way it made me feel BLEUGHHHH. I went to bed on Saturday night with such bad indigestion I couldn't lie flat on my back.

I have spend the last 5 weeks with a bad neck and back so the gym thing has been a big problem. I've been incredibly careful to cut down my calorie intake to compensate for a lack of activity and have been meticulous about what I have put into my body. I was a picture of rude health before the Hen weekend and now I am a little dry skinned, puffy, bloated PUG. Hilarious!! 34, will never learn. Should have that tattoed on my big lardy ass.

Hope that makes you laugh - I only do it for research purposes you know...

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