Bingham Girls!

Bingham Girls!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Dear all

After nearly a year on this blogspot, we have finally launched our own BLOG site which is where we will call home from now on!

Please go to (much easier to remember) and we look forward to seeing and hearing from you there. Thanks so much for your support, we have loved blogging in 2010 and intend to carry on into 2011!

Please feel free to send you family and friends to get involved with Bingham Girls blog activity!

With all our love

Zar, Georgie & Rosie

Thursday, December 2, 2010

ZAR - Recipe - Tuna Cassoulet

This is a really great dish for the family to make ahead of time. This uses fresh tuna steaks but you can easily use tinned tuna if you're on a budget or just using pantry staples.

Serves 4

1 stick celery
1 leek
1 carrot
1 tin cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 cup chicken or vegetable stock
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tuna steaks (400g approx total weight)
1.5 cups fresh breadcrumbs
1 clove garlic
2 tbsps chopped parsley

Finely chop the celery and carrot and finely slice the leek. Sauté in 1 tbsp olive oil over a medium heat until softened. Add the beans, tomato and stock and simmer over a low heat for about 20 mins until thickened. Turn off the heat, stir in the mustard and season with salt and pepper.

In a pan, heat another tbsp olive oil over a medium high heat. Quickly sear the tuna steaks for about 1 minute on each side. Remove from the pan and cut into small cubes.

In an ovenproof dish layer the beans and tuna, then more beans and tuna and lastly beans. Mix together the breadcrumbs, parsley and garlic and spread ontop of the beans and tuna. Bake in a 180-200 degree pre-heated oven for 30 minutes,

Serve with green veg.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

GEORGIE - Winter skin - ouch!!

I've been doing a little research into how to help those of us who really suffer with winter skin. The internet is a mind of information and so is my make-up department at work! So here goes...

Apparently the state of your lips tell you how much you are suffering in the cold weather. Very dry lips = suffering skin!! This is a good tell tale sign you are struggling, so first, deal with your lips and keep them luscious!! Experts recommend switching from your usual lip balm to a slightly heavier duty one - I cannot recommend Blisteze enough - a small tube that packs a punch of moisture - but other products I would trumpet include Ellizabeth Arden's 8 hour cream, Dermalogica multivitamin for eyes and lips and my newest discovery thanks to one of our fabulous make-up artists - Dr Lipps Nipple Balm for Lips. Don't be put off by the name - It's a brilliant and thick emulsion to help dry and chapped lips!!

Yes, again, it comes down to water. Apparently in the winter we drink more tea and coffee (warm drinks to warm up) and less H2O. I am not a believer in the theory that any liquid you take onboard will hydrate you - so I try to keep water to hand to keep drinking the same amount. It's not easy - I occasionally drink a cup of plain boiling water instead of tea - warms you up - is pure water still - try it before you judge, it's quite good!!

I tend to trade in for a heavier duty moisturiser as soon as it gets cold, My current favourite is Boots No7 Advanced Hydration Cream - they do a day and night version - although Ponds Cold Cream is another old faithful that always works!

Less heat = less perspiration of the skin and less oil so in the winter I think it is always worth going for an oilier foundation - I use an oil based one by MAC called STUDIO TEC very sparingly, it helps stop those dry patches appearing - and I NEVER use powder in the winter, it makes me look all cakey I always feel.

So I have switched to a more moisturising shampoo... I am currently on Aussie Moist - it rocks - but most high street brands do a slightly heavier duty moisturising brand that also works well in the summer when you are dry dry dry!!

Unless you are very spot prone - keep you use of facial exfoliants and gel face washes to a minimum in favour of cream cleansers and face washes. Then you don't keep stripping away what little moisture your skin has. I read an article this week in the Daily Mail where an expert suggested using oatmeal/raw porridge oats mixed with warm water as a gentle exfoliator to get rid of dry flakey skin. It works but doesn't absolutely rub the skin raw.

I go much more ruddy in complexion as soon as it turns cold. I am very red indeed at the moment so am using a layer of concealer across my cheeks and around my nose as well as under my eyes before I put my foundation on. For extra long coverage of your ruddy red patches, apply the lightest layer of powder on top of your concealer and under an oil based make up to ensure it stays put!!

NOW GO and GLOW in the SNOW!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ROSIE - Winter Comfort

Particularly relevant with the amount of snow we have in the UK! Apologies to our Aussie counterparts...

With the nights drawing in and sunny Sundays a distant memory, it's so tempting to hunker down and hibernate. I think we can safely say winter is well and truly underway now, in fact I can't remember when I last saw the sun shining and I know that for those of you who work full time it can be a struggle to actually see daylight if you work long enough hours.

I was remembering my not-so-healthy-and-active days, when I was very much lazier (because I could be) and would happily have not even opened the curtains on a Sunday. I probably (perhaps not EVERY Sunday) had a bacon roll for breakfast at around 10 am, bangers and mash for Sunday lunch at around 1pm, maybe followed by a treaty pudding, and then in the evening maybe a pizza. The inbetween phases? Not a lot else went on. In fact reaching for the remote to turn the telly over or tossing an extra log on the fire required a big build-up. What was my reason for this? Well, I deserved it, didn't I? I worked really hard all week and on a Sunday I could indulge myself.

Result? By Monday morning I would feel revolting. Heavy, spotty, pasty, pale. Barely able to get out of bed. Really lacking in energy (which was surprising as the amount of calories consumed should have meant I was running on double speed).

I'm not remembering this to be a smug, energy filled person right now, or to make anyone who does the above feel bad. It's perfectly justified if that's what you want to do with your Sundays! Far be it from me to make you feel guilty.

Last Sunday was so cold. We had a freezing dog walk in the morning. Then Richard & I stood shivering with cold at a farm park whilst Jack screeched with delight at the farm animals (why do toddlers never get cold?!). After moaning for a couple of minutes I realised that if I actually kept myself warm then I would feel so much better. So, cue Mummy on the slides, on the swings, literally running (not an attractive sight at 7 months pregnant) around after Jack to try and keep warm.

And when I got home? No, I didn't shut the curtains and snuggle under the duvet with a sticky toffee pudding, we played some games then went outside again to play some football (don't ask, yes, the dog did put a tooth through the football resulting in mass tears).

Yes, I actually spent more hours outside on that freezing Sunday then I probably had all week. Result? I felt great. I felt so healthy that I wanted to eat healthily, slept so so well and woke up on Monday feeling like a new woman.

I know you all hate me, I sound so revoltingly outdoorsy and smug. I am lucky in that I live in a fantastic environment and I actually like being outdoors. But please trust me when I say that once you're out, it doesn't feel that bad. Make an effort on your days off to get outside. It's so good for your skin and really gets your body feeling so much better! I sound so like my mum it's actually terrifying me so I will sign off before it gets much worse. But please, trust me and try it!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Georgie- Gym Nemesis - dispatched!!

Well it's good to be able to pass some good news on - particularly on a Monday, my grumpiest day of the week...

A few months back when I first came back to London, you might have heard, or laughed at me as I grumped about a machine in the gym that became my absolute worst and most evil nemesis... It's a kind of ski/skate machine that requires you to semi-squat, and float your knees up at high speed whilst keeping your weight centred. Kind of like an elliptical, with down and outward pushing pedals that you address in a squat position. Annoying, agonising and exhausting!!

(For those interested its the SSTBodyGlide600 at this link

Just thought I must report tonight that for the first time, I lasted a 20 minute workout on this bloody thing! Finally, I think I might have got it - I heard two blokes behind me in the gym having a good laugh at my efforts (Sweat pouring off me, BRIGHT PINK FACE from effort) but I didn't care. What my ass looks like on this machine I can't even bear to think. I wish they would put it against the wall in our gym. But no, it has two rows of treadmills THEN two rows of ellipticals behind it.

Anyway - level 12 (of 25) I am a happy gym bunny tonight. That's all!! I so rarely have anything to be content with exercise wise - generally I underwhelm myself in the gym and come out thinking 'could have done better' so thought it might be nice to report something positive in the hibernating season!! Go forth people and conquer!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

ZAR - Brain food

I find the newspapers pretty boring; I tend to get my news from the radio in the car or at work. What I do really like is the sections of the newspaper which focus on lifestyle, people, food etc. It's great for the brief chats I have with the ZarBar patrons as well as for the blog.

This one is from a new section in the Saturday SMH and really talks the Bingham Girls talk......

The author, Paula Goodyer, wrote about children and what they eat and how it affects them.

Obesity is, as we know, becoming an enormous problem in our society. However, the food that kids eat can not only affect their weight but their brains. Studies published recently show that diets high in processed and sugary foods and drinks leads to a greater risk of emotional and behavioural problems and also doubles the risk of ADHD.

Like the rest of the body, the brain needs enough of the right nutrients to function properly. What processed foods are missing are omega-3 fats and B vitamins, crucial for brain health. These are commonly found in wholegrains, leafy greens, legumes and some fruits. Vegies and fruit also promote brain health because they are high in antioxidants, including vitamins C & E. These also help prevent inflammation which has been linked to depression.

Of course, I know first hand that the way you feel as a teenager can mean you crave foods high in fat and sugar to make you "feel better". I still battle with that, as do many others.

I'm not a parent, and I do not judge anyone and their choices, I don't have to live with them. I really think that giving your kids the gift of eating healthily is one of the best things you can do. We were given the best start we could have been with non-processed, home cooked food. We all sat around at the table to enjoy it together.

(And look at how brilliant we are now!! - jokes.....)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

GEORGIE - Family blessings

Dear All - it's been one hell of a week for the Bingham family. For those of you not in the loop, poor Zar fainted in the shower on Monday and fractured 3 bones in her neck and back. She has been incredibly brave and also lucky not to have done herself permanent damage - and has had good news from the doctors midweek that she will mend, albeit, she needs to take life a little easier. ZarBar patrons will know that she amazingly got herself on her feet and had coffee back out on sale by midweek which is an amazing achievement. All of us back in England feel so fortunate to have such a brave sister and we can't wait for her to get back to full feckle.

Our pa has also been taken ill this week. I am home in Suffolk this weekend with him and mum and glad to be able to offer what little support I can, whether it's walking the dog, or helping dad work his Kindle to ease the boredom of being bedridden. I hope he will make a full recovery very soon.

I guess this blog is short and sweet - I appreciate my close and loving family all the time - but no more so then when we hit a patch of adversity. Being so far from our beloved Zar when she is ill is so hard but luckily words aren't hard to say when you are close and you need to tell someone how much you love and think about them.

I shan't lecture, cos that would be so predictable but I will say that remembering to tell your loved ones how much you love them and tell them how much you need them is really important. I am so lucky to have full Bingham love and support and can't imagine life without it. Thank you guys and get better soon Dad and Zar!